Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
BossPaper, a wallpaper application, has been released as a beta in BigBoss’s beta source. Below is some info about the application so far (it is still in the testing phases). If you are interested in being a beta tester, be sure to read ALL the info below (and THIS post).
I am releasing BossPaper v0.91 BossPaper v0.93 beta tonight for testing (if you grabbed anything < 0.93, please update). There are still a few features that I plan to implement that are not in this version, but I think it is a good idea to start getting feedback. In order to test it, you must install the bigboss beta repository, which I have also released into Cydia for those of you that said you are a “hacker” or “developer” when you loaded Cydia the first time. BossPaper will automatically install logmailer because if you have any problems, I would like a logmailer output of your syslog. If you don’t plan to send syslogs to me when having problems, well then you should not try to beta test this. Of course the first non-beta repo version will not require logmailer. If you hate having logmailer icon, you can hide it for now using SBSettings. Based on the success / failure of this release, I may move it into a public repository before adding the remaining features. Currently, the app requires 3.0. I am not sure if I plan to support 2.x or not. Every day there are less 2.x users and more 3.x users. It makes little sense to focus on 2.x for a new app. Features missing are: 1) Ability to select a single image. If you want a single image make a folder with that image for now. 2) Ability to exclude a single image or images. For now you have to delete it off the folder. In future you will have a way to tell it to not load that image again. 3) Photos - Camera roll is working because these are photos. If you sync pictures using iTunes, these are actually no longer images but an sqllite database of images. Therefore, you cannot use these images. (I haven’t tested this very much. So it could be in accurate). 4) I may examine lock background as well, although I am worried about performance. The lock background should be stationary so that you dont drain your battery while locked. I will think about this more. 5) Other things I didnt list here. I am also releasing some BossPaper paper packs to go along with it.
Full article HERE.
I only am able to set one of the packs as the background. I have tried the camera roll, and winterboard folder settings. Im not sure if I should submit it as a problem since my syslog says nothing about it :(
I think you could still report it… I would head over you BigBoss’s website (see link above) and maybe leave a comments about it.
Where is Douglas? He hasn’t posted anything in a long time…
What does this do? I’m confused…