Direct Closer – Quickly Close Multitasking Apps

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Direct Closer Direct Closer is a simple little hack that, when you double-tap the Home Button to get to the multitasking apps, it automatically puts them into “wiggle” mode so they can be removed. Normally, you would have to double-tap the Home Button and then tap and hold an icon in the multitasking dock in order to get the apps into “wiggle” mode so that they can be removed. This app just makes this process a little faster by automatically putting them in “wiggle” mode. However, in order to switch to another app (using the multitasking dock), you have to tap the Home Button once to turn off the “wiggle” mode and then tap the app you would like to switch too. So, depending on how you use your multitasking dock… this app might not be for you. Check out the screenshots below. You can get Direct Closer via the BigBoss source. [Read more…]

BigBoss Source Update – Removes bigbossbetarepo

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

BigBoss Source The BigBoss source was recently updated to version 0-10. The update removes the bigbossbetarepo source. So, if you have the bigbossbetarepo source installed and you update the BigBoss source, the bigbossbetarepo source will be automatically uninstalled (and removed). In future beta app releases, BigBoss will release a specific source url that will have to be manually added to the device. See BigBoss’s full article below. Or, check it out HERE on his website. [Read more…]

BossPaper 0.99 Update and News On Official Release Date

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

BossPaper It seems that BossPaper has received on more quick update. The update fixes a few bugs and adds a new Solid Color wallpaper option. You can view view the full change log below.

Now for the good news! For those of you who having been waiting for this application to be released in the main BigBoss source, you will not have to wait much longer, BigBoss plans on releasing version 1.0 of BossPaper tonight (as long as there are no major bugs with the 0.99 version). [Read more…]

Push Notifications SBSettings Toggle

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Push Notifications SBSettings Toggle Push Notifications SBSettings Toggle allows you to quickly and easily toggle on/off your Push Notifications via SBSettings.

If you toggle Push Notifications off in SBSettings, it will turn off all Push Notifications. It would be like going into your stock Settings application the Notifications option and turning it off. [Read more…]

BossPaper Beta Updated – Version 0.95

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

#BossPaper BossPaper, a wallpaper application, has been updated to version 0.95. The update includes quite a few bug fixes but does add some new features. Some noteworthy new features include; you can now choose wallpaper from the stock Wallpaper category, the Single Image option is now available, you have the options to turn off the random feature and there is now a Delete All option in the wallpaper section. The full change log for version 0.95 is below. The application is still in the BigBossBetaRepo and has not been released in the main BigBoss repo but, hopefully we are getting close. It really is a very cool application. Remember, you can stay up-to-date on the apps progress HERE. [Read more…]

BossPaper v0.93 Beta Released in Beta Repo

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

BossPaper BossPaper, a wallpaper application, has been released as a beta in BigBoss’s beta source. Below is some info about the application so far (it is still in the testing phases). If you are interested in being a beta tester, be sure to read ALL the info below (and THIS post). [Read more…]

BigBoss Released Beta Repo, bigbossbetarepo

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

bigbossbetarepo BigBoss recently released a new source in Cydia, bigbossbetarepo. The source will contain beta/alpha/test applications. This is not a repo that everyone will want to install. If you install the source, you need to be willing to test applications and give feedback about there performance. Because the apps released in this repository are test and beta, they do have the possibility of crashing your iPhone or iPod Touch (thus, requiring a restore). [Read more…]

BossPaper – Wallpaper App by BigBoss (Coming Soon)

BigBoss has a new wallpaper application in the works called BossPaper. The app will allow you to control the wallpaper on your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can choose what you want your wallpaper to be, if you want it to rotate through different wallpapers, how long you want each wallpaper displayed, what transition you want betweem wallpapers… etc. We should see a beta version of the app in Cydia in the next few days. Read the discription below for more info. [Read more…]

SpotBright Update – Fixes Crashing and Web Clip Launching Issues

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SpotBright Yesterday, there was an update to SpotBright, a Spotlight enhancement application. The update fixes some crashes problems that a few people were experiencing and fixes launching of web clips. After testing, I’m still having a little bit of trouble with web clips. Let me know in the comments how it is working for you. [Read more…]

Categories and SBSettings Updated

##ICON_NAME## Some of you might not see the update for SBSetting and Categories based on when you jailbroke (because then you would already have the new versions) but, both apps were recently updated. They both currently worked on firmware 3.0 so, neither received a very signifcant update, mostly bug fixes. Below are the change logs for both.

Categories 2.23-1:
    • Added some debugging info for some crashing some folks are seeing
    • Added some permission changes to some folders to “guess” what some crashing may be as a long shot [Read more…]

List of Jailbroke App Compatibility with 3.0 Firmware

##ICON_NAME## I’m sure some of you have already seen this but, BigBoss has started a nice little app compatiblity list. The list includes apps that are Not Working on the 3.0 firmware, apps that were recently updated and Working and apps that are Working. Below are a few things he has to say about the compatiblity of apps on the 3.0 firmware. [Read more…]

Calculator Widget – Adds Calculator to SBSettings

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Calculator Widget Calculator Widget is an application that adds a Calculator to your SBSettings toggles. I honestly delayed on checking this on out because it didn’t seem too exciting but, once I checked it out, I realized that this could be a very helpful widget!

Once installed, you will need to go into SBSettings, the More option and then the Set Toggles option and turn on the Calculator. When you select the Calculator “toggle” in SBSetting, it will open a calculator. It is not the stock calculator it is a much more simple calculator. However, there is one thing I really like about this widget. If you tap the Home Button when you have the calculator open, it will go back to your SpringBoard however, you can then tap the Status Bar and it will bring the calculator back up. This is nice if you are in an email or Safari or your notes and trying to do some calculations…it allows you to quickly switch back and forth! [Read more…]

SBSettings Update – Hide Hold Indicator

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SBSettings To keep up-to-date on the SBSettings, there have been two more updates recently. The updates 2.99-3 & 2.99-4 had one bug fix and added one new option:

    • A bug fix so that you cannot type in the mobile substrate text box
    • The ability to hide the hold indicator, that is the little hand image on the icons that support the hold feature (which is currently only available on the 3.x firmware). [Read more…]

SBSettings Update – New Features and Bug Fixes

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SBSettings It seems that BigBoss has been working hard because today we get another update to SBSettings. This update adds a few new features, some tweaks and some bug fixes. A few of the new features include the ability to change the date separator to either / or . and the ability to change the time to a 24 hour time. I also like that a little hand icon was added to the toggles in which you can hold down to activate the hold feature (though, the actual hold feature is not available on 2.x firmware). Below is the complete change log for version 2.99-2. [Read more…]

SBSettings Update – Significant Update…Lots of New/Improved Features

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SBSettings SBSettings recently had an update to version 2.99. The update bring some significant changes to the application.

Some of the changes that I really like are:
    • The ability to move the toggle order. This allows you to move the toggles you use most often to the top of SBSettings.
    • The ability to enable/disable mobile substrate applications (those are apps that run in the background and do not have icons). That way you can turn them off without uninstalling them.
    • The addition to the Extras and Options.

In the Extras and Options, I really like the ability to turn off/on the numeric wifi, numeric GSM (ph one strength) and numeric battery. I also like the ability to add the date to the status bar and they ability to enable/disable SBSettings on the lock screen and during a call. I am constantly trying to launch SBSettings from my lock screen only to remember that I cant! Now I can! YAY! [Read more…]