Some of you might not see the update for SBSetting and Categories based on when you jailbroke (because then you would already have the new versions) but, both apps were recently updated. They both currently worked on firmware 3.0 so, neither received a very signifcant update, mostly bug fixes. Below are the change logs for both.
Categories 2.23-1:
• Added some debugging info for some crashing some folks are seeing
• Added some permission changes to some folders to “guess” what some crashing may be as a long shot
SBSettings 2.99-5:
• Added some debugging info for some crashing some folks are seeing
• Added some permission changes to some folders to “guess” what some crashing may be as a long shot
I noticed that when you hold down the wifi toggle in sbsettings, it gives you the network name =D i think thats new :)
I’ve found that in the winterboard if you have solid status bar active and have sbsettings, it will actually make the status bar disappear. Then if you try to use the swipe for sbsettings on the top it will not work because there is no staus bar… I never noticed this before with 2.2.1 or prior. Anyone else?
Yes, with “solid status bar” set in Winterboard, when you exit an application the status bar disappears, which makes SBSettings inaccessible. If you sleep – wake – unlock it comes back, but goes again after you exit any application – phone, SMS, YouTube, whatever. I tried “Fix User Dir Permissions” in SBSettings, no difference.
I notice there’s an update for sbsettingstoggles waiting in Cydia, maybe that’s related. But the update seems to be broken, so I guess we have to wait a while.
Both me and my friend updated SBSettings and have brickerd our iPod Touches. He has 1st Gen and I have 2nd Gen, both runnign 2.2.1
Be careful when updating in these situations!
I had the same issue and Winterboard was the culprit – I turned off the solid status bar option and the world is all good again.