On Friday, I wrote about the Dev-Team and how they had tweeted letting everyone know that there didn’t seem to be any problems with Snow Loepard and jailbreaking. Yesterday, the Dev-Team released an update on their website. They talk about both the redsn0w jailbrek and the untrasn0w unlock. Below is what they had to say.
Snow Leopard, the OS released for Mac on Friday, poses no new wrinkles for the redsn0w jailbreak or ultrsn0w unlock.
To summarize the status of our tools (all of which are available through the links at the left):
* You can use redsn0w to jailbreak any iPhone or iPod Touch using OS X, Windows, or Linux. For both 3.0 and 3.0.1 firmwares, you should point redsn0w at the 3.0 IPSW. If you see it hang at “waiting for reboot”, just unplug and replug that USB cable.
* You can use ultrasn0w to unlock the iPhone 3G/3GS, or BootNeuter to unlock the iPhone 2G. Both ultrasn0w and BootNeuter are available via Cydia.
* You can use PwnageTool for Mac to create custom IPSWs with pre-installed packages.
We’re glad to see Apple joining in on the “snow” theme. If only Apple had called their new OS “Sn0w Leopard”!
You can view the full Dev-Team article HERE.
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