4Balls Update 1.3 & 1.4

4Balls 4Balls is available in the Installer.app through the Soneso Repository Source. There a quite a few changes with the updates (1.4 came out right after 1.3) to this app! The first change you will notice is to the wording in the 1st menu options. You can now select to play; 1 Player vs. computer, Computer vs 1 player, 2 player and there is now a donate button. The option used to be Human vs Human, Human vs Device, Device vs Human and there was no donate button. The second change you will notice is to the 2nd menu options. Instead of just having the ability to choose between Level 1, 2, and 3 the option are now; Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Score game and Highscores. If you choose Score game…when you begin playing, it keeps track of your Level, the number of games you have played, the amount of time you have been playing on that game and your score. If you win the game, you will go up to the next level and points will be added to your score. If you lose a game, [Read more…]

4Balls Update 1.2

4Balls There was an update for 4Balls…it adds some cool new features. It now gives you instructions on how to play the game and the first time you get to the play screen it gives you instructions on how to move the balls. It also says, Thinking, while your iPhone decides where it is going to move. But, the best change in the update, is when someone wins it tells you who won and shows you how they won by putting little red dots on the 4 balls that are in a row. Before, a window would pop up saying who won and giving you the option to play again and you didn’t really get to see how the player won. To start a new game you just tap on the screen. A very cool new update! Here are some screenshots:

4Balls Update 1.2 4Balls Update 1.2
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4Balls 4Balls is a new game from the Soneso source. It is similar to Connect Four. When you first open the app you have an option to play Human vs. human (so 2 player), Human vs. device (which means you get to move first) or Device vs. human (the iPhone gets to move first). You then get the option of what level you would like to play at…one through three…one being the least difficult, three the most difficult. Once you have chosen your level, the game will begin…in order to play the game correctly you will need to tilt your iPhone to the right so the ball is at the top on the page…you then move the ball above the column you would like it to go in by dragging it. Once the ball is above the correctly column just drag it down. The next player will then move. You win by getting four of your color balls in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally (the other player wins by doing the same as well…so you will want to play defense and offense). When one of the players wins a menu will pop up giving you the option to play again. Here are some screenshots:

4Balls Garf 4Balls [Read more…]