The blacksn0w unlock has been released. blacksn0w is an unlock for the iPhone 3G and 3GS. It is available for both Windows and Mac. You can download blackra1n (which includes the blacksn0w unlock) at or, you can add the blackra1n source in Cydia and get it via Cydia. The source url is
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blacksn0w Unlock Now Available
GeoHot Releasing blacksn0w Today
GeoHot will be releasing the blacksn0w unlock today (Novemeber 3rd) instead of the projected release date of November 4th. This is due to the fact that the testing of blacksn0w is going “great.” We will keep an eye out for it. Below is a screenshot of the blacksn0w unlock.
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GeoHot Refuses the $10,000
Yesterday, GeoHot posted on his blog that he will not be accepting the $10,000 that was offered to him by Jody Sanders if he were to find an unlock for the 05.11.07 baseband. Not only that but he has a few words for the people who do sell the unlock. Below is what he has to say.
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GeoHot Does It! – blacksn0w Unlock Demo Video
GeoHot has done it! He has successfully unlocked the 05.11.07 baseband (let’s hope he gets his $10,000!). The unlock is titled blacksn0w.
The unlock works on both the iPhone 3G and 3GS and will unlock to any carrier. It is estimated to be released on November 4th and sounds like it will be installed via the blackra1n jailbreak. Check out the demo video below.
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Blacksn0w Unlock On It’s Way
It seems that GeoHot may have found an exploit that will lead to an unlock for the 05.11.07 baseband. He has been looking for the exploit for a few days now and says that, “#blacksn0w is still a ways away…thats just PoC. and I’m kind of burnt out from that”
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