Watch “iBand – Life is Greater than the Internet” from your iPhone or iPod Touch
iBand Video
March 21, 2008 by
Pianist 1.0.0
March 1, 2008 by
Pianist (formally known as iAno) is a replacement for iAno. When you install Pianist you will get a pop-up, in the Installer, with info about this (see screenshot below). When you install Pianist it will put a new icon on your SpringBoard but, you will still have iAno on your SpringBoard as well, if you would like, you can uninstall iAno…the developer will not be updating it anymore. The actual Pianist app itself seems to function the same as iAno…though the menu has changed slightly. When in the Menu… [Read more…]
iAno Potential
February 17, 2008 by