New Source – Soneso Repository

Today, I found a new source (it is the creating source of BlockPuzzle though BlockPuzzle is also available in the through Ste Packaging Source, and that is probably how most of you got it!) called Soneso Repository. There are only two apps it the source at this time; BlockPuzzle and IP. But, both are great apps. I have added the source to our Sources page. It has not been added as a trusted source yet because it is so new…however, so far, I have not had any problems with the source itself or either of its apps.

Source Location:
When you add the source, all its apps will be under the category Sonceso in your .

See our Sources page if you need information on how to install a new source on your iPhone.

Apogee LTD Source UPDATE!

Please note, that because of the high demand for Apogee’s source, they bought a hosting server. Therefore, they had to change their domain name! The new source code is You will want to go in and delete their old source code and re-add their new one! We have also updated this information in our Sources page.

P.S. We added a few other new sources to our sources page too!

New Source – Apogee LTD

Here is some themes from Apogee LTD, a new source that we have added to our Sources page as a trusted source. They also have wallpapers (see our Wallpapers page), custom docks and keyboards. I am very impressed with how they run their source. Check them out!

To install this source…check out our Sources page.

Girl Buttons by Apogee LTD fin by Apogee LTD Chocolate Rain by Apogee LTD [Read more…]

ModMyiFone Source

We’ve added a new source to our sources page and you can trust this one. ModMyiFone has published their own source at Just add it to your Sources in So far they have the following apps: iSnake, iPhoneSynth, Metronome and iToggle. There are also starting to add Summerboard themes. We’ve testing the summerboard theme and all the apps but iToggle and they are all working well with 1.1.1. Careful, you will get addicted to iSnake!

ModMyiFone Source ModMyiFone Source ModMyiFone Source