Friday Night Movie Night: Rend Collective Experiment – Worship on iPhone

MusicSince I work as a Technology Manager for a church, I have been tipped off to this video quite a few times. I heard about it earlier this week but I wanted to hold it for Friday Night Movie Night. This Irish band recorded their whole song using iPhones. Check out the video and the list of apps they used to pull it off!

Apps (iTunes Links)

Vocals recorded on Voice memo (Stock Applications)
Drum Kit Lite – Free
Glocken jr – $0.99
pocket guitar – $0.99
fingerpiano lite – Free
shaker – Free
real violin lite – $0.99
Guitar:play and share – $3.99


Cross Wallpaper v1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Cross Wallpaper v1 cwv1fireandice Cross Wallpaper v1 is a pack of 10 cross wallpapers. A few of them are pretty nice quality, a few of them are ok. Take a look at the screenshots below to see if you like any of them. Remember, when you install this wallpaper pack, the wallpapers are added to your stock Settings application under Wallpapers. [Read more…]