iAppCat.com now shows you the iPhone firmware versions that the application is compatible with. You can see the IntelliScreen Page for an example. Also check out the link “Review of IntelliScreen”.
iAppCat.com Website Down
Just thought I’d let everyone know that it’s not just you. iAppCat.com service is down. Has been since yesterday. We are contacting the owner and will get you info as soon as we can. We will also let you know as soon as it is up.
UPDATE: Just talked to the owner and it looks like it’s back up!
iAppcat.com Migration tool
If you haven’t heard of iAppcat.com you’ve got to check it out. You visit their website either on your computer, iPhone or iPod Touch and select programs you want to install. It then gives you one source to add to your Installer. They have a lot of other features like top apps, top repos, and sharing your source with others. My source is http://iappcat.com/r/7501 Just add that and you will see all the apps that I have installed or trust that aren’t in the community sources. I don’t add apps that are in community sources so there are no duplicates.
The point of this article is really about their new Migration tool. If you want to switch to a single source through iAppcat.com you can upload your LocalPackages.plist from the /private/var/mobile/Library/Installer/ folder. You will have to get this via SSH. It will import them all into one source automatically. Visit iAppcat.com/migrate to get started.