Bomberman Touch, Aqua Forest and Sudoku – AppStore

Hudson Soft is creating three application that will be available via the AppStore – Bomberman Touch, Aqua Forest and Suduko. Bomberman and Sudoku are the classic games ported to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Aqua Forest is a collaborative work between Hudson Soft and Prometech Software. It is a “innovative software featuring the 2D multi physics engine ‘OctaveEngine™ Casual’.” Below is a description of the application and video demo.

Tilt and tip your handset to play the game with an accelerative sensor. As you advance through the game, trees grow rapidly! Draw a picture on the touch panel and use various effects (water dropping, fire, etc.) to change its shape. “OctaveEngine™Casual” makes entirely innovative gameplay possible!

You can get more info and screenshots of all the applications at Hudson Soft’s website

Video Demo:

Watch “Aqua Forest” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

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  1. I would love to have a sudoku game for my iPhone considering the ones currently available in installer suck but I have a feeling this is going to be overpriced

    • Have you tried the Sudoku in Puzzle Maniak…..By far the Best online or handheld Sudoku game ever. You really should try it.

    • This one works well, but you still can’t save your progress, which is annoying. Sometimes you want to start one during a short subway ride, but you’ll lose it when it’s over and you do something else with your phone.

  2. I think this app looks very cool, however not sure how much I would be willing to pay for it. Perhaps $2.99. Not really more than that. It’s not a game, but merely a cool toy to play with.

  3. i would love those games!

  4. that looks astounding, its like evolution RGB on steroids, I may HAVE to upgrade now……

  5. you spelled “sudoku” wrong…

  6. I am from Germany what can i do when i want buy the app Aqua forest.Can someone help me

  7. This looks like a lot of fun for when you’re sitting waiting for something i.e. airport, meeting friends, before a meeting, etc.. I’ll have to add this to my apps list.

  8. Soggy Soap. says

    This app looks very interesting. I am debating if I should get it. Should i get it?

    btw, What are all of your favorite apps? Note, I already have monkey ball.


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