Aqua Forest 1.0.0

Available In: App Store       Price: $7.99  

Watch “Aqua Forest 1.0.0” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

For more information on how to play Aqua Forest and what each button does, check out their website.

Click here to download Aqua Forest via the App Store.

Bomberman Touch, Aqua Forest and Sudoku – AppStore

Hudson Soft is creating three application that will be available via the AppStore – Bomberman Touch, Aqua Forest and Suduko. Bomberman and Sudoku are the classic games ported to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Aqua Forest is a collaborative work between Hudson Soft and Prometech Software. It is a “innovative software featuring the 2D multi physics engine ‘OctaveEngine™ Casual’.” Below is a description of the application and video demo.

Tilt and tip your handset to play the game with an accelerative sensor. As you advance through the game, trees grow rapidly! Draw a picture on the touch panel and use various effects (water dropping, fire, etc.) to change its shape. “OctaveEngine™Casual” makes entirely innovative gameplay possible!

You can get more info and screenshots of all the applications at Hudson Soft’s website

Video Demo:

Watch “Aqua Forest” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.