Gizmodo is holding a “contest” to find iPhone applications. It includes both AppStore and Installer applications. Here is what they have to say:
You’re proud of the work you’ve put into your iPhone SDK application. Show us what you did. Email your entry to with the subject “iPhone SDK App Contest: Name of App” with the name of your app there. Each entry should include screenshots (as many as it takes to properly illustrate your program) as well as a 1 paragraph description telling us what it’s all about. We’ll showcase the best ones here for the world to gawk at.
We also know that there are tons of very cool applications such as Sling that might not even be approved by Apple as an official SDK app. That’s why we’re taking entrants for unofficial (jailbroken) apps as well. Send those in to with the subject “iPhone Unofficial App Contest: Name of App”. Essentially, we’ll be getting a weird kinda sorta head-to-head that pits bigger name companies/development teams against hackers.
However, I’m not sure why it is labeled a contest. I did not see any reference to prizes. Though, the best applications will be displayed on Gizmodo’s website. So, if you are a developer, it might be something worth checking out.
Full article HERE.
It almost sounds like they are looking for ideas for development. If I wanted to show off an app that I wrote, I would just send it here….to AIS. They do a very good job of describing an app and showing it off to the world.
Kudos to Doug and Brooke!!!
the writers of gizmodo don’t develop…
Thats a good way to show off apps to a large audience…
I plan to show some of my SDK apps in there…. :)