SpringBoard Clock Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SpringBoard Clock There is an update to SpringBoard Clock, a mod that adds the current time and date to your SpringBoard, to version 1.1. The update is said to change the app so that the user can use their own wallpaper and includes some bug fixes. I gave the update a shot and I’m still not having much luck. The wallpaper of the mod has been changed to a blank wallpaper but, I still cannot use it with another theme’s wallpaper (by moving the theme above the SpringBoard Clock mod in WinterBoard) or use my own wallpaper with the mod (by moving User Wallpaper above the SpringBaord Clock mod in WinterBoard). Let me know in the comments if it is working for you. You can get SpringBoard Clock via the modmyi source. Remember, there is an English version of the mod.


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  1. alex_dlc says

    geohot released purplera1n !!!!!!!!!

  2. I am sry for this bug! You must put your wallpaper.png into the springboar Clock Directory…
    I’m working on this but its not so easy … =)

  3. I have to say that i edit the article about springboardclock on my site.
    here is the link: http://www.stephsblog.at/projekte#springboardclock


  1. […] Free There is an bupdate/b to SpringBoard Clock, a mod that adds the. Go here to read the rest: SpringBoard Clock bUpdate/b | Apple iPhone School Share and […]