Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
Yesterday, there an update was release for the WeatherIcon mod. The update is through the modmyi source. It doesn’t make any changes to the mod however, it does replace the mod via the david.ashman.com source. I’m not sure if David has moved his mod to the modmyi source or if the update to the app mistakenly overwrites the david.ashman.com mod. Doug said he had a little bit of trouble with the update on his iPhone 3GS, he had to unisntall and reinstall it…then it worked. I didn’t have any issues with the update on an iPhone 3G running 3.0.
If you install the modmyi update, it will overwrite and the david.ashman.com mod and you cannot revert back to it. WeatherIcon will not even display an as app in the david.ashman.com source.
The update went smoothly on my 3GS. Doug seems to have alot of problems with WeatherIcon and his 3GS :P
The weather icon stay like ?? And I change with every theme and not working please someone help ????
I know this is a little confusing. I use http://david.ashman.com/apt/ to release more quickly and frequently to work out bugs and stabilize the code. Once it’s stable, I release through modmyi so that I can reach a broader audience. There is no difference between 2.1.14 on my source and 2.1.15 on modmyi.
Thanks for the info David.
Hey can some help please with the weather icon on 3.0 on iphone 3G with the last version of weather icon stay (?) like that on the icon ? … Pleasee can some one help me?? With this
The weather icon stay like ?? And I change with every theme and not working please someone help ????
Thank you YO
Nothing to add except thanks for your efforts. I really like this mod and think Apple should incorporate it into the official firmware.
Doug agrees with you on that.
Hey can some help please with the weather icon on 3.0 on iphone 3G with the last version of weather icon stay (?) like that on the icon ? … Pleasee can some one help me?? With this
The weather icon stay like ?? And I change with every theme and not working please someone help ????
Did you set the locations in your default iPhone weather application? The icon uses the first location set in that app to load the weather.