iPhone Firmware 4.0 Event Preview This Thursday!

AppleApple will be holding an event this Thursday, April 8th at 10:00am PT to show off the new 4.0 Firmware. One of the biggest features rumored to be announced is the ability to run applications in the background simultaneously. Additionally rumored is that hitting the home button twice will bring up an Exposé like view of the apps currently running. Instead of showing screenshots of current apps, it would show the icon of the apps. This would be one of the main features that competitor devices like Androids and the Palm Pre have. Of course, if you’re jailbroken, you can already do this with Backgrounder.


Of course, all of this would carry over to the iPod touch and iPad. Something I think would be really awesome is the for the iPad to run 4 iPhone sized apps at once in a grid view. This would allow you to run any 4 apps you want like the mockup below. (Don’t laugh, just photoshopped it real quick…)


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  1. iphoneLover says

    Is there a way to make backgrounder not quite all of sudden.that happens more then I’d like to admit?any suggestions???

    • Which program are u using with backgrounder? (ie: multiflow, circuitous ect.) I found that when I used multiflow, apps in the background would crash quite often, even on the newest version. I switched to cicuitous and I havnt had one app crash yet.

    • ProSwitcher is one the best free apps in cydia…much better multiflow and resembles the palm pre multitasking cards

  2. Wondering if the Backgrounder program takes alot out of your battery? I figure that once the OS 4.0 will be available and actually do this,the battery life will be better then backgrounder?

    Is this right to say? wondering about applying backgrounder to my jb phone…But do not want my battery to drain…

  3. Can’t wait for the 4.0 announcement. I’m sure it came a little early due to the ipads release but Amy news from apple about the future of theiphone is welcome news to me.

  4. How about concentrating on fixing the battery issue, instead of fancy features?
    I mean seriously, who is in charge of product development over at Apple?