Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w Jailbreak

Dev-Team The Dev-Team has updated the redsn0w jailbreak (version 0.9.6b2) to incorporate geohot’s limera1n exploit. The jailbreak is available for both Windows and Mac. Below is info on what devices the jailbreak works on and the new features of redsn0w 0.9.6b2.

What the jailbreak works on:
    • iPhone 3G, 3GS and iPhone 4
    • iPad
    • iPod touch 2G (with qualifying bootroms), 3G and 4G
    • Apple TV 2G

New features of redsn0w 0.9.6b2:
    • custom bootlogos for iPhone3G/iPhone3GS/iPod2G users (with qualifying bootroms)
    • an option that implements the “DFU” button in PwnageTool. This button (which you can use from Windows) lets you prepare your device for a custom DFU. Even if you’re purely a Windows user, you can get a trusted friend to run PwnageTool over your IPSW to create a custom IPSW. You can now install that custom IPSW on your own Windows box, after you run this redsn0w version.

For all the details and links to download the redsn0w files… check out the Dev-Team’s website.

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