Banner Deluxe Update

Available In: App Store       Price: $2.99  

Banner Deluxe A few days ago I did a review of Banner Deluxe, a scrolling message application. Later that same day, Banner Deluxe was updated and added the one feature that I thought the application needed (save settings when closing and reopening the application) and also added a very cool feature that I hadn’t even thought of. You are now able to make your own custom backdrop!! The app allows you to choose any image from your Photo Albums to use as your backdrop making the message even more customizable!

In light of the pretty cool update below are two promo code…the first two people to redeem them, may have them. You can redeem them using iTunes on your computer or iTunes on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Please let us know in the comments if you redeemed the codes that way everyone knows that they have been used.

Promo Code 1 – F7RMEYN9K9MM
Promo Code 2 – 7YF4TAXAHFN7

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Banner Deluxe – Create Scrolling Banners

Available In: App Store       Price: $2.99  

Banner Deluxe I will be honest, when I read the title of this application I said to myself…Here we go, another “toy” application that probably has a bad design and a horrible user interface. However, I was pleasantly surprised from the moment I opened the application! Banner Deluxe is an application that allows you to create scrolling banners for your iPhone or iPod Touch.

The first thing I noticed about the application was that it was well designed and had quite a few nice features. As I began testing the application, I also found the user interface to be very smooth and easy to use. The application opens to the Settings Menu in which there is a lower menu bar with the options; Text, Theme, Backdrop, Font, Text Texture and Option. In the Text option, you are able to enter the message that you would like to scroll or choose from the list of previously entered messages. To enter a message, just tap on the text bar. You can also add symbols to your message by selecting the smiley icon in the upper right corner, once you have tapped in the text bar. Once you have entered your message, you can get back to the Settings Menu by selecting Return. [Read more…]