A Leather Black, Brown, Pink & White

No offense to the designer on this one but this is not for me. This is a full leather theme. not just a lockscreen and springboard with icons. If you are looking for leather, this is the one. There are 4 colors to choose from, each it’s own install. I like the black the best. Each color is $1.49.

Cydia Description:

Dress your iPhone up in Brown Leather A spectacular theme for your iPhone that will make it look elegant, expensive and attractive! Brown leather, Brown icons, Battery, SMS, Clock, Notes, UI icons, Calculator, Dialer, Dialer icons, Bottom and Top bars!!! and that\’s not all – the theme comes with a special template PSD icon for making your own exclusive theme Design your own icons in no time – all in the same price!!! What are you waiting for?, Brown it NOW! This theme is copyrighted by Peach-i.

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TGI Black Friday – The Must-Have Black Friday Application

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

TGI Black Friday TGI Black Friday, powered by TGIblackfriday.com and DealCatcher.com, is the ultimate Black Friday application. I received an email about this app over the week-end and since downloading it… I have spent WAY too much time on it! I’m pretty sure it has every feature you could want in a Black Friday specific application. Not only that but, it is nicely organized and easy to navigate.

Upon opening the app, you will find five options on the lower menu bar; Home, Stores, Categories, Search and My List. In the Home option you are given a list of the most popular Black Friday deals as well as a list of the newest Black Friday ads that have been added to the application. The Store option will list all the stores (in alphabetical order) that have already released their Black Friday sales… if you scroll all the way down, you will see a grayed-out list of stores that are still due to release their Black Friday sales.
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Pangea Software Black Friday Sale – All Apps $0.99

Available In: App Store       Price: $0.99  

##ICON_NAME## For Black Friday (which is this coming Friday… November, 27th) all Pangea Software iPhone apps are on sale for $0.99. Yep, that’s right… $0.99.

Enigmo (previously $2.99)
Enigmo 2 (prevously $2.99)
Cro-Mag Rally (previously $2.99)
Billy Frontier (previous $3.99)
Bugdom 2 (previously $3.99)
Nanosaur 2 (previously $2.99)

The only application not on sale is PangeaVR Pro which continues to be $9.99. They are on sale for one week, through this coming Friday the 27th. So, you may want to pick a few of them up while they are cheap!

Coming Soon – Spin the Black iPhone: Now Uses Accelerometer

We talked about Spin the Black iPhone a few days ago and posted a demo video. The developer has posted another video showing the application using the iPhone’s or iPod Touch’s built-in accelerometer. Check it out below. I added the previous demo video as well, just as a reminder!

New Demo Video:

Watch “Spin the Black iPhone” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

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New Poll – What color iPhone 3G will you get?

AiS Time for a new poll! The last poll was – What is your preferred method of Jailbreaking version 1.1.4? Below are the results based on when we added the poll one week ago.

* iLiberty (2%, 31 Votes)
* iLiberty+ (18%, 357 Votes)
* iNdependence (1%, 12 Votes)
* iPlus (4%, 73 Votes)
* WinPwn/Pwnage (15%, 300 Votes)
* ZiPhone (60%, 1,166 Votes)
* iDemocracy (0%, 9 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,948

Here at AppleiPhoneSchool, we have used just about all of them. I currently use WinPwn and Doug’s preferred method is WinPwn as well. You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll:

What color iPhone 3G willl you get?

View Results

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Coming Soon – Spin the Black iPhone

Spin the Black iPhone is a port of the Spin the Black Circle game. It even has a really nice, really simple level editor for making your own custom levels for the app. As of right now, there is no information on when it will be available but, it looks really cool! While you wait, you can play Spin the Black Circle HERE via your computer.

Watch “Spin the Black iPhone” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.