Reflective Dock Mod Updated to Support WeatherIcon Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Reflective Dock The ReflectiveDock mod, via the source, was updated a few days ago allowing the reflective dock to correctly reflect the WeatherIcon mod. I finally had a chance to test it and it works great. If you are someone who likes to have your weather icon in your dock and you use the RefelectiveDock mod…then you are good to go. Now, all we need is an update so that it reflects the LiveClock mod! I would love to watch the little second hand go around in the reflection! :) [Read more…]

Reflective Dock – via Cydia

Reflective Dock We have written about how to get a reflective dock using shh. However, if you are looking for a way to get a reflective dock for your iPhone or iPod Touch through Cydia, here is a way. You will need to add a new source to Cydia (check out THIS article if you need instructions on how to add a source to Cydia). The source you will need to add is: After your sources have refreshed, you will see that a new package has been added to your iPhone called ReflectiveDock. Once installed, you will have a reflective dock. It does add two options to Winterboard, No Dock Reflections and Dock Reflections however, I have found that it is not affected by being turned on/off in WinterBoard…it is just always on unless you specifically select No Dock Reflections. [Read more…]