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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Free |
Rotation Inhibitor is a toggle for SBSettings (I seriously love SBSettings…sorry, tangent). The toggle allows you to turn on/off the auto-rotate feature. This includes the auto-rotating in Safari, iPod or anything else that changes orientation when you turn your iPhone or iPod Touch. I was SUPER excited when I saw this toggle in Cydia. I don’t know about you but, when I am laying in bed and surfing the web (you know you do it!), it is so annoying when my iPhone switches to landscape mode (or continues to rotate between portrait and landscape mode!). Anyway, once you install the application, you will then need to go into SBSettings and make sure that it is activated. If it doesn’t automatically show up, you will need to go into the More option in SBSettings and then the Set Toggles option and turn on Rotation.
If you want to stop the auto-rotating, you need to toggle the Rotation feature off. To get your auto-rotate back, toggle the Rotation option on. I am having a few issues with this app…whether it is a bug or just personal preference I don’t know! I have found that you cannot just toggle the Rotation feature off and have it stop all auto-rotating. You have to actually be in the application and then toggle the Rotation option. For example, if you want to stop auto-rotating in Safari, you have to open Safari and then open SBSetttings and toggle the Rotation option. If you then went into iPod…it would still auto-rotate until you open SBSetting and toggle the Rotation feature again. Personally, I just want to toggle the Rotation option from my SpringBoard and have it turn off all auto-rotating but, that is just personal preference!
I have been waiting forbthis for a long time. Thanks!
this crashed my iphone and after rebooting i was stuck on the apple logo but i was able to ssh into the phone and remove its files and i was good to go just watch out for this
what folder is it in to delete it in ssh?
you need to delete 22 folders located in
Delete the entire Rotation folder and RotationInhibitor.dylib
and you good to go then go to cydia and remove the installed package.
your the man saved my phone from a full restore kept rebooting with apple logo
I had the same problem but the new version that just came out (0.5) fixed it :)
I had the same problem but the new version that just came out (0.5) fixed it :)
In other words, it works now.
Can you please tell me what is the difference between the ‘Rotation Inhibitor’ and the ‘No Rotation’ SBS toggles? Which one should I install – I mean which one is the safest? Thank you.
choose Rotation Inhibitor… “No Rotation” only worked for the iPod and Safari. Rotation Inhibitor (should) work for all apps across your device. The only thing it hasn’t worked in for me has been biteSMS. I was laying in my bed with Rotation toggled off, and landscape view still appeared =/. However, it worked great in Twinkle (those who use Twinkle know what happens in landscape). Hope this helps…
KonTheDon, thank you for your reply! I will try the RI.
no problem…
Doug, use the toggle “NoRotation”, if u want to switch it global. It only works for Safari and iPod, though.. Greets from Germany :)
What SBSteeings theme are u using? i like it :)
It is called Glass…check it out HERE.
When in Safari, if you want to have it constantly in landscape. Put it into landscape and then activate the toggle. :)
I also prefer just to have an all round switch instead of just having switches for individual apps.
When I tried this app it was really buggy for me aswell, when i switched the toggle for this on my springboard nothing would happen, but then when I go to text using bitesms in landscape view – whenever I type the pop-ups for the letters would still be as if in normal view (very weird!)
the worst part was when I uninstalled this, it completely messed up my whole springboard, for some reason my themes in winterboard were no longer working (not all, just some) so I basically had a randomly themed looking iphone and the only way I found to fix this was to install the stupid app again so now I’m stuck with the toggle! (Which I suppose isn’t the worst thing in the world but would be nice to be able to uninstall it)
Would someone else have a go at uninstalling it and letting me know what happens please?
Hi brooke
the new version 0.2 can do what you asked for :)
I upgraded to 0.2 and it borked my springboard themes as well.
Guess I’ll wait until a slightly-more stable version is available.
simply respring
I installed this yesterday and then today there was an update for it which I installed and after that my Winterboard no longer worked!!! I uninstalled it and everything worked again??? Something is not right with it!
Works fine for me. Although I thought it wasn’t working until I read the above review. Silly me didn’t realize you have to turn the toggle OFF for the setting to take affect hahaha. Now that I know this I use it all the time. No issues with freezing or causing other apps to no longer work like I have read with other people. Amazing how different our iPhones and iTouches are. One person can never have a problem with an app while another person has tons of issues with it. I’m glad this one works flawlessly for me.
I never thought I’d ever encounter anyone complain about auto-rotation. This is such a seamless feature. Why bother surfing without it?
Go test drive a Blackberry Storm, if you want to see auto-rotation run wild.
I agree with you. Why deactivate auto rotation? Anyone care to explain?
It’s so subjective. Someone said they liked deactivating it lying in bed. Lying in bed is when the landscape mode is most appreciated. I don’t get it either.
Nothing is definitive and everybody is different.
I don’t like the auto-rotate.
I have no specific reason, I just don’t. I don’t want to use anything in landscape, at all, ever.
I just
like it.
> Nothing is definitive and everybody is different.
Can someone help me to add a theme for this toggle?
I’m using the Smoog SBSettings theme, but it only shows the default blank icon.
What should i name the folder with the on and off icons in order for it to work on the theme?
Does any1 hav or kno where to get RotationInhibitor 0.2 (that worked globally, not just for Safari ? If so, e-mail me at sabeeh_alvi@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance.
Actually, Rotation Inhibitor has several options to which you can choose to fix the reading side. It’s either landscape left or right or portrait normal or upside down. To choose which side you prefer, slide your finger smoothly on the Rotation Inhibitor toggle. It will either switch on or switch off auto-rotating but don’t worry, you can turn on/off back on later. When you slide your finger, You’ll notice on the dock bar of the iphone some message which indicates which side Rotation Inhibitor set on (Landscape Left, Landscape Right, Portrait, Portrait Upside down). When the side that you prefer appear, you can tap on the toggle to turn off auto-rotating. And yes, it works globally (in Safari, games, books,…).
Hi naeco, im using iphone 3G run with os3. ihav downloaded Rotation Inhibitor ver-05. i did everyting like slide my finger smoothly on the Rotation Inhibitor toggle.but i don’t get any notice on the dock bar of the iphone which indicates (Landscape Left, Landscape Right, Portrait, Portrait Upside down)its not working its remain redis.dubble tap change on green rotaion icon .but don;t get any massage that should be appear on dock bar …can u plz help me to give few advice if i did anything worng.
That is the only way I know to change rotating side. You slide your finger lightly on the toggle and it will change the fixing side. Try to do that several times :) Other than I dont know any better way, maybe a future update will offer better option to choose the fixing side.
Cheers !
What is that theme?
I just want to disable it for Ipod only (aka, no coverflow) is this still possible or can I download an earlier version (where it wasn’t global) somehow?
I couldn’t find this on the app store..
Is there a certain name I have to search?
Hi Mitch,
This is actually a jailbroke application (not in the App Store). Check out our F.A.Q page for more info on jailbreaking.
Yeah this is giving me problems.. after installing it won’t let me access Cydia, Messages, Safari and other applications.. And I don’t know how to use SSH to uninstall it, anyone have a link to provide for a guide on SSH?
@Travis, I had the same problem where all my apps were crashing on startup.
To fix this, access your SBSettings, click power and then Safe mode. Your phone will respring and you will be able to access Cydia. Uninstall the package and Cydia will ask you to respring when it’s done which logs you out of Safe Mode. After that you should be fine. Hope this helps!
I got this app working on my little brothers itouch but for mine … when i hold down the toggle nothing happens i cant set the orientation of the rotation
can anyone help me?
What’s the name of the SBSettings theme u have in that screen?
There is no rotation toggle even in the set toggle in the sbsetting…tell me what to do now!? I really wanna switch off rotation… :(
Hey, what’s the theme called you are using? :)
i just found the most important feature about the new iphone os 4. its called ‘portrait orientaion lock’
double click the button. this takes you to the ‘multitasking’ part.
swipe left. there is an icon at the leftmost position.
hit it.
you can now use your iphone without it flipping the screen!!!!!
Is it possible to do the opposite, and force all screens to autorotate? My iPhone 2g (my travel iPhone) has a band near the top that doesn’t respond to touch. Occasionally it would be incredibly nice to be able to flip the screen so I can push a button in the dead zone.
iPod Touch 3 & later doesn’t require an app for this feature. Double click the Home button, slide all the way to the left and select the Portrait Orientation lock icon…my 3 year old daughter did this & it took me 2 days to figure out how to undo it.
Works a treat thanks very much. :)
IPhone 4 has a function to stop rotation without an app! Double press the menu button at the bottom of the phone and swipe your finger left to right along the new menu that comes up. Click the symbol on the left and it stops auto rotation.
my ipod touch 4 th gen has that icon with a rotating arrow with a lock in the middle next to the battery icon, how do get rid of it? (i have cydia)