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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: 14 day trial then $4.99 |
LockInfo, by David Ashman, is a seriously sweet mod that allows you to add information to your lockscreen such as; weather information, upcoming calendar events, missed calls, missed text messages and new emails.
Once installed, you can find LockInfo in your stock Settings application. The application is extrememly customizable and has some pretty cool features.
In the settings you are able to turn on/off a Lockscreen and Homescreen option. The Lockscreen option adds the mod to your lockscreen. The Homescreen option adds the mod as a page on your SpringBoard between your Spotlight Search page and the first page of your applications. You can have either have just the Lockscreen option, just the Homescreen option or both options turned on. Very cool.
A few other cool option include the ability to adjust the transparency of the mod, the ability to choose how you would like the Media Controls to display within the mod, the ability to collapse the cells (which allows you to tap on each option and collapse them giving you the ability view more information) and the ability to reorder the plugins.
Each of the plugins; Calendar, Mail, Phone, SMS and WeatherIcon are able to be customized as well as be disabled/enabled.
The mod displays very nicely on both the lockscreen and the homescreen. It is well designed and the effect on the “collapsing” feature is smooth. Overall, a sweet mod worth definitely checking out.
The only issue I have with the mod is that it is displaying yesterday’s events (Sunday… today is Monday) in the Calendar. I’m not really sure why but, it does. Not a huge issue but hopefully one that will be fixed in the next update. Ok, user error. The Calendar displays correctly!
Speaking of the next update, Ashman plans on adding more features to the mod including; Twitter, Facebook, Todo, Things, Push Notifications, MMS… etc. I look forward to seeing some updates!
You can get the LockInfo mod via the modmyi source.
Note: you will need to update the WeatherIcon mod to version 2.2.23 for it to work with the LockInfo mod.
Just to note on the calendar issue – according to the screenshots, the events are for NEXT sunday, not yesterday. ;-) Do you have events in an active calendar between now and next Sunday?
My bad! :)
PS. I love that the temp and current condition are on the bar when the Weather plugin is collapsed.
I had to install Weathericon – TICK to get the sun, and cloud images to show up on the lock screen and status bar.
That is correct. WeatherIcon doesn’t come with icon images, intentionally.
I installed the theme, respringed and still no images. Not that i mind but would be nice to know whats wrong…
@David: You really need to put up some sort of site – with a faq/howto. Something that explains how the most basic things. Great work btw :)
Yes, you are right. I’m working on that now.
i installed weathericon tick but i still dont get the cloud images on the lock screen or my status bar jus the temperature.
It seems as though certain plugins are only supported with certain themed UI’s. This makes it impossible to have the best of both world. All I can see is a Matte UI theme that has all the best plugins but I love the standard theme and how smooth and quick it is.
Now that LockInfo is released, my next project is to port all of the popular themed plugins to the native theme. Just give me some time and you’ll have them. ;-)
Hi David..
Shouldnt the popup blocker be part of lockinfo by default….else the popups block the lock info screen view and its useless..
yeah, i just noticed too, when i get a text, i get the regular popup and as well as the lockinfo showing the new text.
I think it’s his way of getting people to buy two products to use one.
I don’t think that’s fair. Popup Blocker offers a lot more options than just blocking the popups on the lockscreen. I do plan to include a limited amount of popup blocking for the lockscreen in a future release of LockInfo, but it was a lower priority on the feature list since Popup Blocker is there and does this for you now on a 14 day trial.
looks like a great theme! but im using MultibarLockscreen and dont see how this is any different besides MBLS being free????
My guess would be that apart from it being more accessible and easily configurable it would also use less battery since lockscreen themes are (afaik) basically html pages powered by javascript and that would make them more cpu intensive than any application designed with this purpose in mind.
Oh that is great David! I currently have intelliscreen (paid 20 about a year ago) and have been waiting for something like this. Ive still got 14 days left of the trial but was getting frustrated because I was hard to get all the right plugins working at the same time. Winterboard just complicates things, hope to see those great plugins without themes (just slows stuff down on the 3G)
As a happy intelliscreen user ( that doesn’t use Winterboard ) can you tell me what you like about this over intelliscreen? Wondering if it’s worth the switch.
I like the smoothness. Intelliscreen seems to take a lot of resources to run in the background and lately I have been having problems with it. (it will turn off every other springboard restart). I do like the fact that you can interact with it (lockinfo you cannot) But intelliscreen does not offer any plugins. I can see that the future of lockinfo is bright as far as that goes. The plugins will consist of apps that intelliscreen doesnt really support, such as things, facebook, twitter, todo apps as well as push notifications. Ive been very put off by the fact that intelliscreen has not put any development into push notifications in their app. It stands to reason that they should. I am with you though, so long as lockinfo can create plugins that will work with the main theme and anyother theme, I will buy it. I dont want great plugins but have to choose because the themes are sub-par.
Does this need winterboard to work?
No, it does not require winterboard.
Nice. giving it a test drive now, like it so far. wish it could show summary lines 1 or 2 of emails in addition to subject and wish taping an emial or appt would talk you to calendar. Nice change from intelliscreen. Can’t figure out how to get icons for weather..i guess that needs winterboard.
Yes, icons for weather will need winterboard (just like it does for WeatherIcon) or you can manually put the icons in the SpringBoard.app.
I have been waitin for sumthin like this! Ive wanted to b able to put the info on my springboard! I havent downloaded this yet, but will asap
Hey David,
I really like your LockInfo and I’m really planning to pay for it. But what I really need is that ToDo-PlugIn for modified LockInfos. When you implemented this, I’ll definitly buy it.
Further question: Is it possible to transfer my existing configuration into the upgraded version?
The Todo plugin is on ModMyI now!
Nevermind, worked now..
Hey David,
Great work! Just what I have been looking for. My only suggestion is have the calender be able to scroll and have the cells stay so you don’t lose the info, that would be perfect!!
Hey David,
Sold! (after the trial expires on the 16th)
What happens if I have to restore, re-jailbreak, and re-install LockInfo?
Your license will restore with your backup, or download again from my server if you reset completely.
Hey David,
Great work!
But one thing! It show`s me the wrong city!? Can I change that?
Greetz bombi
Are you using WeatherIcon or one of the HTML themes?
I am using WeatherIcon and not a HTML Theme like Gruppled..
My lockscreen does not display clock or weather…
and the headings only show when there are events.
im running native rendering. any thoughts?
You need WeatherIcon to get weather in native mode. Clock is not implemented yet in native. The next release will show empty sections too.
This is a brilliant utility from a man who obviously works hard on getting things right. However, this is a new app and in the fullness of time I am sure it will be fantastic like everything else he does – just give the man time and stop grumbling!!!
Awesome app!
One of those things you’d expect to have been done by apple from the start!
I’d guess apple might do something similar in 4.0 ? Seeing as lots of phones are having similar stuff built in
Love the app – but when I try to add LockInfo to the Homescreen I lose a bunch of icons and don’t get LockInfo either. What’s up with this?
what is the wb-theme called, shown in the screenshots?
Love this app. – its all that I need on my lockscreen! Thx….
One just needs to install lots of app.s to make it all work – Weather icon, Weathericon Lockinfo, Popupblocker, Lockinfo, Lockscreen Dim Relay,
Only need to be able to translate the English lang. to Danish……please.
i dont understand..i tried downloading it but it says that i need json-framework in order to download it…how the heck can i download that?
for some reason, i can’t send or receive sms/text. is anyone else having that problem and is there a way to fix it?
I just installed the free trial of Lock Info, but before purchasing :-
With Lock Info – Is there a way to alter the position on the lockscreen? Right now it is at the top of my wallpaper and I would like to move it lower on the lockscreen. (just above “slide to unlock”)?
Also, any chance of a Pocket Informant plug-in?
I switched from Intelliscreen to Lockinfo. Wrote up a short blog post here: http://jordandev.info/?p=148 to try and spread the word.
Hello, I have LockInfo, the latest version, and Weather Icon 2.2.23 installed and to get the Weather Icons I installer Weather Icon – TICK. That worked perfectly, however I can not get the name of my city to appear correctly on the lockscreen. If I change city names it oddly enough works perfectly, but when I try to use my actual city, just like it is set in the Native Weather App, it changes to some default city name. Any ideas on why this won’t work correctly? Many thanks!!
hey there am new to this lockinfo, its amasing but i am having abit of a probeproblem with the wether app installed it from get new settings lockinfo its on me lockscreen am using a native wether app and its got the wrong city…any help would be greatly appreshated
I was wondering what theme you have running with the square dock icons?
I would like to be able to change the color of the infoShade from Black to Brown or use my wallpaper as well as adjust transparency.
Is there a way or are you making this an option in your next option
Is there a way on small calendar icon to have a date?
Thank You
Hey, this is a great app and this is why I bought it. But now I have a problem I don’t think I had before. Since I installed LockInfo when in the lock screen my iPod won’t go back to sleep. The screen stays lit all the time, specially if I receive a notification. I have my Auto-Lock setting for 1 Minute.
Help, this drains my battery since I don’t notice each time I get a notification.
Any chance for a pocket informant pluggin?
I have download clublife but it doesn’t work.
Can you help me ?
Thank you
using lockinfo with block popups turned on and launch app turned on. my problem is that my acrobits softphone when recieving a call and I launch the app from the notifacations section the incoming call ringtone will keep playing after the phone has been answered. lockinfo is not shutting the ringtone down from the lockscreen after the app is has been opened and answered.
I’m not able to access lockinfo. it says no valid license found even though i had free access till 16th September 2011. Please help me in solving this.
Hello david,
Its really a very good app, just wanted to know how to change the order, it is showing in setting but i am not able to change it. Another question how does the lock weather will integrate in native clock on lockscreen rather than showing a separate clock+weather report.