StatusStyle 2.4.1

StatusStyle Version 2.4.1 of StatusStyle works MUCH better for me! Not only can I now change both my Carrier and Time text…I can also turn them off with no problem. I was able to change my Carrier to Test and my Time to Testing. Then, I went back into the app and turned both the Carrier and the Time text off and they both went back to my stock settings with no issue. So far, this version works exactly how it should… [Read more…]

StatusStyle 2.4

StatusStyle Version 2.4 of StatusStyle actually works a little better for me…though not perfectly yet. I was able to change my carrier logo and time text. However, I was not able to turn off the time text that I had set…I changed it to Testing and then when I turned off the Time Text it just stayed as Testing. This was last night…so, I woke up this morning and was playing with it a little more and the Time finally went back to normal….but, [Read more…]

StatusStyle 2.3

StatusStyle The only change I can see for version 2.3 of StatusStyle is the fact that it has a new icons (which is very nice). However, I still have the same problems as before…the Carrier Text and the Time Text still do not change. Changing the StatusBar works just fine but, nothing else does…slightly frustrating because I really like this app!! And, [Read more…]

StatusStyle 2.2

StatusStyleVersion 2.2 or StatusStyle adds some really cool new features. Not only can you change your StatusBar you can now change your Carrier Text and your Time Text!! However, when I tried to change my Carrier Text…it didn’t change, even after a few tries and restarting my iPhone…then when I went back in and turned it off it erased my current custom carrier logo and set it back to the stock AT&T. Nor did it change my Time Text…though changing the StatusBar still works. The previous version of this app made it compatible with all versions of firmware so, it shouldn’t be caused by the fact that I am running 1.1.1. Hopefully [Read more…]

StatusStyle 2.01

StatusStyle The update to version 2.01 of StatusStyle does not have any visual changes however…it does make the app compatible with all versions of FW!! Very cool! StatusStyle is available through the iPod Touch Fans source. Below is the screenshot!

StatusStyle 2.01

StatusStyle 2.0

StatusStyle StatusStyle is an app that lets you easily change the style of your Status Bar. Your Status Bar is the bar at the top of your iPhone were your WiFi, Carrier Logo, Receptions bars, Time and Battery Status Icon are located. The app opens to the a menu where you are given five Status Bar options; Tiger Style, Bar, Semi-Transparent (default), Clear Bar, Red Bar and Hidden Bar. To select an option just tap on it and then tap on the red Set and Respring button at the bottum of the page (you have to select Set and Respring for the changes to take affect). Below are the screenshots of what each Status Bar option looks like. [Read more…]