Tap Tap Revenge 2

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

Tap Tap Revenge 2 I’m sorry but, I totally love Tap Tap Revenge…seriously who doesn’t!! So, I was excited to hear about the release of Tap Tap Revenge 2 yesterday. The new version of TTR adds some cool new features. Below is the App Store description of the new app (talking about all the new features) and a couple demo videos (one of which is seriously funny!)! The best part is the app is free!! You will totally want to check it out! You can also check out Nate True’s blog post about the new Tap Tap Revenge 2 as well as Tapulous’s blog post.
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Top 5 TTR Themes!

TTR TTR has been a huge success, and with the rising popularity, there have been some great user made themes for it. Since there are good amounts of themes, I decided to select the top 5 themes. This is obviously my opinion, so feel free to disagree :), also add any themes you like in your comment, or how you would reorder my list.

In order to install any of these themes, just copy and past the files into your Applications/TTR.app folder on your iPhone/iPod by using SSH. TTR is available through the Ste Packaging source.
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TTR 1.4

TTR Tap Tap Revolution (TTR) has to be one of my all time favorite iPhone apps!! If you haven’t tried it…you are totally missing out! Version 1.4 of TTR now makes the app compatible with 1.1.3 firmware and above!! Very cool! I believe there was a fix through BigBoss to make the previous version of TTR work on 1.1.3 and above but, you do not need that anymore! Besides the firmware compatibility update, [Read more…]

TTR Update 1.3

TTR TTR (tap tap revolution) just released an update to version 1.3. The most obvious change is that when you open the game for the first time after the update it will ask you to enter your name (once you have picked your user name you can’t change it!). This is a SWEET new feature used to give you credit for the beats you have created but, even better, when you finish tapping to a song it gives you the option to send it to the internet and when you do that it puts your name on a list of top scores – if you are not in the top 9 scores it puts your name as number ten and the top nine and their scores above you (and yes, that is my name you see 3rd on Dance Off ) Some other cool new features are [Read more…]


TTRDeveloper’s description of game: A fast-tapping game set to music.

TTR (Tap Tap Revolution) is similar to Guitar Hero…only on the iPhone! When the app is first opened there are four choices on how to import a song; new tracks, downloaded track, iTunes library and create new beats. The “New Tracks” allows you to choose one of the songs already put into the game for you. If you decide to play one of them, it will download and then go into your “Downloaded Tracks” section. The “iTunes Library” allows you to pull songs off of your iTunes and tap to those. However, they have to have beats already created for them. If they don’t have beats created you can go into “Create New Beats” which allows you to pick a song from your iTunes Library and tap out a beat to it, once the song is finished your beat is saved online and shared with people who have that song in their iTunes library.
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