Matte Nano – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Matte Nano mattenanano4 Matte Nano is a WinterBoard Theme that contains a wallpaper, dock, badges, status bar and 2,295 icons (though, a lot of those are duplicate icons). The theme folder also contains an icon template (a .psd file) located in the Library/Themes/Matte Nano/Icons folder. One cool thing about this theme is that it resizes all icons, even if they do not have an actual icon created for the theme, that way at least all your icons are the same size. To make this theme even more complete, you can install Matte UI Graphite and Matte SBSettings. When you have all three mods installed it is a nice, complete theme. You can get Matte Nano and Matte UI Graphite via the modmyi source. You can get Matte SBSettings via the SOS iPhone source. [Read more…]

Boxxy Cons Theme – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Boxxy cons Theme boxxyconstheme3 Boxxy cons Theme is a unique theme made up of small icons. The theme contains a dock, wallpaper and 29 icons. Unfortunately, the theme is not packaged for the 3.0 firmware which means if you are on 3.0, you will need to ssh in and change Text.png to Messages.png. The iTunes icon is also packages incorrectly and is spelled iTunea.png and need to be changes to iTunes.png. You can find the icons in the Library/Theme/Boxxycons.theme/Icons folder. [Read more…]