Spell Number – Free Emjoi [Emoticons]

Ok, this is not new information however, I felt like I should write about it because I am highly confused as to why a $1.99 Emoji app is in the Top Paid Apps when you can get Emoji for free!

For those of you who do not know what Emoji is, according to Wiki, it is “the Japanese term for the picture characters or emoticons.” It basically enables those cute little emoticons on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Just to make one thing clear, Emoji are already technically on your iPhone and iPod Touch, Emoji applications just enable them.
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Smiley Dot Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard You do not see a lot of these kind of mods. What this mod does is change the dots on your SpringBoard (this ones that represent your pages). It changes them from dots to a smiley faces. The current page you are on will be a smiley (:)) while the other pages display as a (:|) serious face. There are four colors to choose from as of now; Pink, Blue, Orange and Green. The name of the mods are Pink Smiley Page Dots, Green Smiley Page Dots..etc (via BigBoss). You will need to activate this mod through WinterBoard. Screenshots below. [Read more…]