Community Sources 3.84

The update to Community Sources 3.84 adds the iSpazio source to Community Sources. So, the Community Sources now include: BigBoss, iSpazio, ModMyiFone, RiP Dev and Ste Packaging.

Community Sources 3.84 Community Sources 3.84

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  1. I updated the last update and now the ispazio source is in the uncatagorize source and cant see the folder it worked fine when i installed it manualy
    everything else got this problem?

  2. WHY ??????? :(

    Why did they take iSpazio in the Community Source… ! ??

    There should be only:
    1. Ste Packaging
    2. ModMyiFone
    3. BigBoss’ apps & things

    THATS ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • And this comment comes from the guy who stole insomia binary and remplace the picture and rename it to iawake2. don’t steal apps and get a life dude.

  3. So now I don’t have to add isapzio source
    its been added by defult with comunity sources?
    is that right?

  4. I don’t see the community sources update in my update list. How could I add them manually?
