RipDev Says Goodbye to the iPhone Community

##ICON_NAME## If you have been around the jailbreak scene for any length of time, you are probably familiar with the RipDev. They have brought us some amazing applications over the last two years including; Installer, Kate and Icy. According to a recent announcement on their website, they are saying goodbye to the iPhone community.

The announcement makes me a little sad. Ripdev, and their applications, have been a huge part of the jailbreak community. Below is what they have to say.
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Installer Update – Version 4.0b8

Available In: Installer       Price: Free  

Installer It seems that RiP Dev has updated Installer bringing it to version 4.0b8. I personally have found the upgrade to run much smoother. It does not lag as much and I do not have the crashing issues that I had with the previous version. Below is info from the RiP Dev’s blog on exactly what the update does.

Installer 4.0b8 is out (it’s been ready for a while and even included in the last PwnageTool but we were holding off to releasing it publically). Among notable features is the switch to libcurl from the stock Foundation URL loading classes, which means more lightweight CPU and memory footprint and, more importantly, resumable file transfers. The new beta also features a plethora of little fixes which we won’t extensively list here. Enjoy. We’ll be pushing out a 4.0 release soonish… [Read more…]

Installer 4.0 Repo Structure

Installer The RiP Dev blog has posted an article describing how repos will be structured in Installer 4.0. The majority of us probably will not be extremely interested in this information but, if you have a repo that you would like to have in Installer 4.0, you will definately want to check it out. Below is a snippet of the article. You can get the full article HERE.

Installer 4 uses the new repository structure which is aimed at minimizing the traffic for both repo owner and the user, as well as expands the standard a little bit. It is still good old plists, but for the repo owner perspective, you don’t really have to mock with them… at all :)
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Installer 4.0 Update

InstallerEven though the jailbreak for firmware 2.0 is now available, if you choose to upgrade and jailbreak…you will not see much. The only thing available in the jailbreak is Cydia with a few applications like OpenSSH. You will not even see Installer yet. Below is what the RiP Dev blog has to say about the progress of Installer 4.0.

As you surely know by now, Pwnage Tool 2.0 is out. And for now, it has no Installer 4.0 in it.

This is because we have decided to not release an undertested product into the wild – we don’t want any mess on the phone this time. So Installer 4.0 will come out soon… as soon as we’re confident it functions properly, we will release it – and trust us, we are not going to delay it for a long time.
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Installer 4.0 Running on Firmware 2.0 (Updated)

Installer Since we are on the topic of jailbreaking firmware 2.0, I thought I would also mention that we do not have to worry about Installer not being able to run in firmware 2.0 (which is good because if Installer didn’t run on firmware 2.0 there would be no point in jailbreaking)!! RiP Dev has been giving us quite a bit of information in the last few days on what the new Installer version 4.0 will entail. And, because none of the previous applications available through the Installer will run on firmware 2.0, they have made quite a few changes to the Installer application. The following information is directly from the RiP Dev blog and it is quite the read. So, you will want to sit back and take a deep breathe before you start this one.

This post has been updated to include Part 1, 2 and 3 from the RiP Dev blog.

Part #1
I am fairly sure you are all excited with the newly opened App Store (just like I am). I’ve already purchased a bunch of applications (and of course, downloaded a few for free), and I must say big “thank you” to both Apple for rolling out such a system and to the developers who put a tremendous effort into creating all these applications.
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Backgammon 2.5

Backgammon The update to Backgammon 2.5 adds the application to the RiP Dev source. In doing so, the full version of the game is no longer available via a donation. The game now costs $9.00 USD. It does however come with a free 3 day trial. There are not any huge new features or visual changes to the application so, the main reason for the update is that you now have to purchase the full version of the application. However, if you have donated in the past for this application, you will receive an activation code in your email (without having to pay the $9.00). If you have not received your activation code [Read more…]

Kate 1.3.1

Caterpillar Kate (also known as Caterpillar) has been update to version 1.3.1. The update only adds one new feature to the application however, it does fix a few bugs and compatibility issue. The new feature is the ability to do a fast respring which means you are able to respring your SpringBoard without going to the lock screen (this will only work with firmware 1.1.3 and up). There is one bug fix that is really nice, Kate is now compatible with Dock, Screenshot and other similar applications. So, those of you who didn’t want to use Kate in the past because it was not compatible with Dock…you are good to go! Also, according to the developers of Kate, this will be the last update for 1.1.x firmware. Any future releases will only be compatible with firmware 2.0 (which only means we are getting closer! YAY!). Below is the complete change log via the developer. Kate is available through the Rip Dev source. [Read more…]

Pool 2.1

Pool The update to Pool 2.1 moves it to the RiP Dev source. In doing so, there have been a few changes. When you open the application, you will get a screen where you will get the options; Purchase, Activate or Trial. The Trial version only lasts three days…if you would like to play it longer than three days, you can purchase the application for $4.85. There is one new option in the Settings and that is the ability to turn on/off sound. The Settings are also set-up a little differently…which I personally do not like. I thought the previous versions was much cleaner. [Read more…]

Caterpillar changed to Kate (1.3)

Caterpillar Version 1.3 of Caterpillar brings some interesting changes….including a name change. Caterpillar has now been changed to Kate due to legal reasons. Below is a snipit from Kate’s website.

Due to a legal dispute with Caterpillar, Inc, the new name of the package is Kate.

Because Caterpillar, Inc, the makers of heavy machinery have demanded the name Caterpillar is infringing their copyright (apparently the bulldozers have their own operating system named the same way!), RiP Dev, the makers of the most advanced commercial collection of tools for the iPhone, have decided to settle the conflict in a peaceful way and change the name to Kate. The name Kate resembles [Read more…]

Caterpillar 1.2.1

Caterpillar There is an update to version 1.2.1 ofCaterpillar (I love updates to Caterpillar!!). Below is the full list of new features!! My favorite new feature is that if you have a birthday entered for a contact it will add that person’s birthday to your Calendar and put a little flower by it (the µCalendar not your Calendar app)!! Very cool!! Now, with the help of iBirthday and Caterpillar…I will always remember people’s Birthdays! The ability to add a Background behind the Icon Labels is pretty cool too. [Read more…]

Caterpillar 1.2

Caterpillar There are some really cool new features with version 1.2 of Caterpillar. The feature I really like is that you can enable the Apple Enabled Screenshot app from it! And…it works on my 1.1.1…the actual Apple Enabled Screenshot app itself did not! Another really sweet new feature is if you are on 1.1.3 and above you can uninstall apps right from your SpringBoard!! You just tap an app until they start wiggling and then tap the X in the corner of the app you want to uninstall! They added a few new features to the FaceLift section as well… [Read more…]

Apple Screenshot Enabler 1.0

PushrApple Screenshot Enabler is yet another way to take screenshots on your iPhone…and I must say it is pretty sweet. You have to be on 1.1.3 and higher for this to to work. When you go to install the app in the you will get a pop-up telling you how to use the app (screenshot below). To take a screenshot, once you have this installed, all you do is open to the screen you would like to take a screenshot of and then hold down your Home Button and switch your vibrate button. It doesn’t matter which direction your vibrate button is, on or off, you can switch it either way and it will work. Once you do this… [Read more…]

Caterpillar 1.1.1

Caterpillar Version 1.1.1 of Caterpillar makes just a few changes to the app. One is that you can now uninstall the app by unchecking all the options (in the app, not the settings) and hitting apply. They have also added a license agreement so, the next time you open the app you will see an agreement that you have to “slide to agree.” There were also a few bug fixes… [Read more…]

Caterpillar 1.0

Watch “Caterpillar 1.0” from your iPhone or iPod Touch