The Planet-iPhones source has been merged into the BigBoss source. You can now find all the Planet-iPhone mods in the Planet-iPhones Mod section of the Installer. We have covered a few of the their mods/applications including the Chromium mod, Hypoxic Wallpaper Pack and ClearSMS.
Planet-iPhones Source Merged with BigBoss
Chrome iPhone Mod – Chromium
Chromium iPhone is a mod available through the Installer that gives your iPhone a Chrome theme. Here is a description via the developer:
More than just a simple .artwork replacement…I’ve went through and customized nearly every single image on the phone giving it a metallic look and feel. I kept a few of the original iPhone images in place simply because they look too good to change. Apple did an amazing job designing the original artwork on the iPhone but here’s my rendition.
It is a simple mod…just add the source, search for Chromium iPhone and install. Your iPhone instantly has a very new feel…I personally like the badge this theme creates. Below are a few screenshots. Check out THIS forum thread for even more screenshots and info about Chromium iPhone. Chromium iPhone is available through the Planet-iPhones source.
Note: I was able to uninstall Chromium iPhone with absolutely no problem. Just go into installer, uninstall and restart your iPhone.