Time for a new poll. The last poll was – Have you asked for or plan on buying an iPhone and/or iPod Touch (or accessories) for Christmas? Below are the results based on when we added the poll a week ago.
Have you asked for or plan on buying an iPhone and/or iPod Touch (or accessories) for Christmas? (Choose all that apply!)
I plan on buying at least one iPhone for Christmas (24%, 75 Votes)
I plan on buying at least one iPod Touch for Christmas (12%, 38 Votes)
I have asked for an iPhone for Christmas (15%, 46 Votes)
I have asked for an iPod Touch for Christmas (9%, 28 Votes)
I plan on buying iPhone and/or iPod Touch Accessories for Christmas (44%, 137 Votes)
I have asked for iPhone and/or iPod Touch Accessories for Christmas (34%, 105 Votes)
Total Voters: 311
We do not plan on buying any more iPhone’s for Christmas (at least I don’t think we do) though, Doug’s grandma and grandpa each just got one and Doug is trying to talk my dad into getting one too…which I think he might be pretty close to doing! Doug did get a Mophie Juice Pack for Christmas…which he loves!! You can check out our video review of it HERE. I apologize for not having an option in the last poll that said you were not buying nor asking for anything iPhone or iPod Touch related for Christmas! I will remember that for next time! :)
You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Below is the new poll.