PushMod – Auto Check Email Every Minute

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

PushMod PushMod is a mod that allows you to change your email settings so that it checks for new email every minute. Once you install the app, you will need to go into your stock Settings application and then the Fetch New Data options…here you can select the Every 1 Minute option. You do not need to turn the Push feature On…it will automatically override that. That’s it, now your iPhone will check for new email every minute (this will update the badge on your email icon every minute as well). [Read more…]

New Poll

AppleiPhoneSchool It’s poll time again! The last poll was – What new features do you think the 3G iPhone will have? (you can choose more than one) Below are the results based on when we added the poll about week ago.

* Multiple Colors (45%, 901 Votes)
* GPS (76%, 1,512 Votes)
* Camera in Front (58%, 1,164 Votes)
* Intel Chip (23%, 459 Votes)
* Plastic Outer Case (14%, 273 Votes)
* Thicker (24%, 487 Votes)
* Thinner (34%, 682 Votes)
* Streaming Television (36%, 717 Votes)
* Multimedia Text Messaging (54%, 1,086 Votes)
* Copy and Paste (53%, 1,053 Votes)
* Video Recording (64%, 1,276 Votes)
* OLED Display (21%, 417 Votes)
* 16GB & 32GB (72%, 1,432 Votes)
* Non-recessed Headphone Jack (41%, 824 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,004

Great answers guys!! I totally think it will have a camera in the front, gps and that it will have video recording. I hope that it has multimedia text messaging and copy and paste…those are both long awaited features!! I guess we will just have to wait and see (not too much longer!!). You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Here is the new poll:

How many 3rd party applications do you have on your iPhone or iPod Touch? (Webclips do not count!)

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