LightsOn has been added to the iSpazio source. There are no changes to the application…just a new source. You can get AppleiPhoneSchool’s full review of LightsOn HERE.
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LightsOn 1.4
I think this app is cool! LightsOn, when you first open it, looks similar to the Blinker app but, give the screen a tap and you will see a myriad of options!! The first options (and the coolest) is the Morse Mode option. If you turn on Morse Mode…you can then enter a word into the Message blank and it will blink that word in Morse Code. Now, I have absolutely no clue how to read Morse Code so, it could totally be blinking out, “I can’t believe you fell for that!”, and I would have no idea. So, if anyone knows Morse Code…let me know! Some of the other options include, [Read more…]