A few days ago when we rolled out the newly designed AiS website, we also updated our forum. In doing so we lost all our previous forum info :( but, now we have a cool new forum! Anyway, MattyB was kind enough to inform us that the registration was not working for our new forum… which is obviously a problem!! Doug has fixed the issue and the registration is now working! We apologize if you already tried to register and were not able to. Now that everything is in working order… feel free to check out the new forum, register and start discussing! I’m headed over there right now to sign-up… no one steal my screen name before I get there!
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AiS – Check Out the New Forum
Updated About Page
Hi guys! I just updated our About page to include all of our writers and their Twitter accounts…check it out!
New Writer to AppleiPhoneSchool.com – JMCato
We are adding yet another writer you the AppleiPhoneSchool team!! We are totally excited to add Justin (yes, another Justin) to the team! During the day, Justin spends his time as a professional photographer…seriously, how cool is that! He attended Des Moines Area Community College for one year before transferring to Hallmark Institute of Photography in Turner Falls, MA where he received a certificate of completion. Justin likes to spend his spare time playing guitar, shooting pics, playing Xbox and (of course) mastering his iPhone. Speaking of which, Justin stood in line for an hour and half on July 11, 2008 in order to purchase his black 8GB iPhone 3G.
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AppleiPhoneSchool Site Update
If you haven’t noticed already, Doug made a few changes to the bottom of the website. He replaced the previous App Store info with more specific topics (such as Themes and Games). Personally, I like it better than the App Store info…take a look at it and let me know what you think.
New Writer to AppleiPhoneSchool.com
A couple months ago, we added David to the AppleiPhoneSchool team (who is doing an awesome job!). Well, we are excited to add yet another member to the team. Usually I write a little intro paragraph about new writers but, I thought I would try a different format this time around…Q&A! So, here we go…lets learn a little bit about Justin. [Read more…]
New Web Site Design
Hi guys! Welcome to the new web site design! I know…we have been talking about a new design for a long time now but, we have been working hard on it the last few weeks and it is finally ready for launch (at least as far as we can tell! :)). We hope you enjoy the new design and some of the new features that it brings. Our goal was to create a site that is constantly changing and up-dating thus making it more interactive. If you are really scared…just select the Blog option on the top menu bar and it might feel a little more comfortable! :) Let us know in the comment what you think.
New Writer to AppleiPhoneSchool.com
With the new year, comes a new writer to Apple iPhone School. We are very excited to be adding David to the team! By day, David is a High School Chemistry teacher…go Chemistry!! :) By night, he is a lover of all gadgets but is partial to his iPhone 3G (which he stood in line for on that wonderful July day). He is an experienced blogger, check out his blog, and that combined with the love for his iPhone has led him to become a part of our writing team. David does bring a new perspective to the table as he has a stock (unjailbroke) iPhone 3G. Look forward to reading his reviews of App Store apps and iPhone accessories.
AppleiPhoneSchool Has a New Look
We have recently updated the theme for the mobile version of AppleiPhoneSchool.com. We were inspired by the iPhone compatible version of thewiicast.com. We have made a few changes to the theme making it a little more custom. You will continue to see changes as we finish customizing it. One of the features that I personally like is the ability to quickly see all the articles. You can then tap the arrow to get a snippet of the article and the ability to read the entire article. We will be changing it so that when you tap the arrow you will see the entire article, keep an eye out for that! Below is a list of a few more great features this theme offers! Enjoy!
New Features:
Search option
Menu option
Ability to view full site
Comments badge
Easily Email articles
Easily Bookmark articles
Links to previous and next articles
Note: We are still trying to work out a few kinks like, selecting an image to enlarge it.