It seems the Dev-Team has updated their website to include a Windows jailbreak and 2nd gen iPhone Touch jailbrealk. Both of these use a jailbreak called redsn0w (simular to QuickPwn). Go HERE for the downloads. However, they have also updated some of their info…their 8 points have changed slightly so make sure you read them again. [Read more…]
2nd Gen iPod Touch Jailbreak Coming Soon?
January 14, 2009 by
The Dev Team has left yet another cryptic message on their website today. It leads one to believe that we might soon be seeing a jailbreak for the 2nd generation iPod Touch. I know this has been long awaited so, we will have to wait and see what happens. As of now, the only clue we get is an abstract image on Below is the message from the Dev Team…to see the image head over to We will keep you updated on any changes. [Read more…]