Archives for April 2010

A Leather Black, Brown, Pink & White

No offense to the designer on this one but this is not for me. This is a full leather theme. not just a lockscreen and springboard with icons. If you are looking for leather, this is the one. There are 4 colors to choose from, each it’s own install. I like the black the best. Each color is $1.49.

Cydia Description:

Dress your iPhone up in Brown Leather A spectacular theme for your iPhone that will make it look elegant, expensive and attractive! Brown leather, Brown icons, Battery, SMS, Clock, Notes, UI icons, Calculator, Dialer, Dialer icons, Bottom and Top bars!!! and that\’s not all – the theme comes with a special template PSD icon for making your own exclusive theme Design your own icons in no time – all in the same price!!! What are you waiting for?, Brown it NOW! This theme is copyrighted by Peach-i.

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SBRotator – Landscape Homescreen

Available In: Cydia       Price: $1.99  

SettingsThis has been a hack that many have been wanting for a long time. Now you can rotate your iPhone and the homescreen will rotate too. This was tested on a 1st Gen iPhone so it’s a little slow but not bad. I recorded a video of the mod using my iPhone 3GS:


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iPad Jailbroken!

Dev TeamWe heard that it probably wouldn’t take long for the iPad to be jailbroken and it’s true. A few devs have been at work since they picked up or received their iPads and it seems they are into the file system. Here are some tweets and a video from the devs on their progress:

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We Were On The News!

Apple#Today we decided to visit the Apple store in our area to check out the new iPad. We went in about an hour after they opened and there was still a pretty big line. This is a picture of the line a friend of mine took just a little while before we got there.


Once we got there I asked the staff if I had to stand in line to buy something other than the iPad. She said no and that I could go right in and if I wanted I could look at an iPad. I went in and bought my Airport Extreme and checked out the iPad after I was done. It is very amazing and I can’t wait to get one. I did notice that it was a little heavier than I thought and my arm did get tired after standing and holding it for a while. Still, amazing. Anyway, while I was standing there showing it to my wife I saw the news videographer setting up for a shot inside the store. I told my wife and we tried to act normal. Later, I forgot all about it and someone ended up telling me on Facebook that they saw me on the 6:00 news. I caught a later airing and here’s the video and a screenshot from the few seconds we were famous… [Read more…]

The iPad is Here!

AppleOk, so I’m jealous, but that’ s ok. Later I will not stand in line for my iPad 3G. We will be going out to our Apple store today to check out the new device. Our mall opened at 7am and the Apple store is opening at 9am. Here are some videos of lines and stores opening across the US.


Short Hills, NJ

Holyoke, MA

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More iPad App Previews

App StoreI’ve found even more great apps custom designed for the iPad. These are apps I plan on installing or would recommend for your new iPad. This time I’ve added links directly to the App Store so if you’re on your iPad, you can just click to bring you right to the app. unfortunately I haven’t found a nice button for the iPad App Store yet so you’ll have to use the iPhone one for now :(

Things ($19.99)

This is the task management app I use on my iPhone and my Mac. Now, having it for my iPad I will be able to stop carrying around a clipboard. I mostly just use the iPhone app for adding tasks when I’m mobile because there’s just not enough screen size to see the full task name. A recent update to the iPhone app did allow for landscape view which helped.


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HTML Edit ($6.99)

I’ve never used this before on my iPhone but it looks pretty useful. It lets you login to your webpages and connect to them via FTP. Then you can download the page’s HTML and edit it. Then upload it back up to your server.


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iPad Apps Now In App Store!

App StoreThe App Store has officially opened up to iPad apps. I’ve heard there are over 1,000 already! I’ve been browsing through them and found some great ones already. I am blown away by developers creativity and can’t wait to see even more apps that are still in development. Here’s some shots of the ones I’m looking to get once I get my iPad. Btw, I am getting one but I’m waiting for the 3G version. It’s estimated to be released about 30 days after the iPad launch which is April 3rd.

BBC News (Free)

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1Password ($6.99)

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ProTrack Recorder for iPod Touch

We recently posted a video of a great demo of an app called “Everyday Looper”. One of our readers commented on the video posting a link to another video with someone using this app to make an awesome recording. What’s even more awesome is the accessory he’s using to record. Check out the video and then we’ll check out the hardware: [Read more…]

PC Magazine Reviews iPad [video]

AppleBefore everyone else starts getting their iPads delivered, PC Magazine has got theirs and they already have a video review out. This video just proves, again, that the device is fast! It’s also got a few quick shots of accessories and apps for the iPad. Check out the video:


Windows Phone 7 Theme for Your iPhone

Wrong, so so wrong… woocash-kun on has posted a theme for the iPhone that looks just like the new Windows Phone 7 software. This isn’t just for the home screen but it also includes the lockscreen and loading screens. It’s not available yet for download and of course it’s not for everyone. But if you really want your iPhone to look like Window Phone 7, this looks like the real thing.

According to comments from the author on the deviantart page, he may not release the theme until he’s done with it:
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