psx4iphone v1.0.0 Coming to Cydia

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free or Donation   

psx4iphone Well guys, it’s finally here. Now that the iPhone 3GS is jailbreakable, ZodTTD has released version 1.0.0 of psx4iphone. I don’t see it in Cydia yet, but I’m sure it will show up soon. We will let you know when we see it. Make sure you have the ZodTTD source installed. Below is what ZodTTD has to say about the release (you will want to read it).

Note: This app will not show up as a new/updated app. However, if you search for it in Cydia, it will be there. Instructions are included in the package description. For more info, read below. [Read more…]

psx4iphone, PlayStation Emulator, on the iPhone 3GS

psx4iphone Well, ZodTTD is at it again. He has got psx4iphone, a PlayStation emulator, running on an iPhone 3GS and says that it is pretty sweet.

“I now have psx4iphone running very speedy on the 3GS. It’s at the point where Final Fantasy 7 is fullspeed at very least without sound. The build is rough around the edges, as you can’t switch games without restarting the emulator, and only memory card saves are currently working, no save states just yet. Both these issues are being worked on.”

Below is a video demo of psx4iphone running on an iPhone 3GS.
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Conceited Software now BigBoss

I noticed that quite a few apps in the installer, that used to be in the Conceited Software source, were now showing up as in the BigBoss source. So, after some research, I found out that Conceited Software has moved all of their apps to the BigBoss repo. In doing so, BigBoss has updated quite a few of them with some bug fixes, compatibility updates and making them function smoother. The apps listed below had either bug fixes or compatibility updates. I will do a reviews on the apps that had updates to the actual functionality.
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psx4all – Playstation for the iPhone

The Playstation emulator for the iPhone has finally been released. As of now it still is very slow for the games I’ve tested. I will try to give you step-by-step instructions on how to install and run this app, upload ROMs and bios and how to rip your own games right from your Playstation discs.

1. First install the app from Installer app.
2. Next you will need some ROMs. You can download some at This game can play ROMs with the following file extensions: .ISO, .IMG, .BIN, .Z, .ZNX
3. Now you need to use SSH to upload the ROMs to the var/root/Media/ROMs/PSX folder. You will have to create the ROMs folder if you haven’t already and also the PSX folder. You can do this with the SSH program. Make sure you use exact capitalization.
4. Now you need to download the bios. Just google search for the flie scph1001.bin. Just upload it to the /Applications folder and set it’s permissions to 0755.
5. Now you just run the app and pick a game to play. [Read more…]