fring Announces Video Calling

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

fring, an application that lets users communicate and share web-based experiences from their mobile devices, has announced video calling.

“Right now iPhone and iPod touch users can receive and make fring and Skype video calls entirely over Internet connection (for free!) and see the person on the other end. When a front camera is placed on these, we’ll have two-way video calls available here too just as we do on all the supported Nokia devices.”
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fring Updated Adding New Features

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## fring, a “mobile social hub. Talk, chat & tweet on fring and other favorite social services including Skype®, MSN® Messenger, GoogleTalk™, Twitter, Yahoo! ™, AIM®, ICQ, all through one central profile,” has been updated in the App Store to version The new version adds a few new features including the implementation of the copy/paste and linking capabilities right in your chat. Below is more info about the update and a video demo. [Read more…]

fring Add-ons Update

Fring Here is some information we received from the developers of fring.

The API and fringAdd-on are all about adding more value to fringsters; by opening up the fring platform and enabling 3rd party developers to bring almost any web services to mobile phones, we help enriching fringsters internet experience and adding value to the fring community. [Read more…]

fringAPI & fringAdd-ons Available to Developers Today

Fringfring announced today that developers will have access to their fringAPI. This means you can create and port content into fring only need a working knowledge of basic server-side language such as PHP, JSP, ASPX etc and XML. You can login to their developer’s section and start today. The content will then be delivered in July, 2008 as fringAdd-ons. This will be free for both developers and end users.

Important! in the coming weeks we will release several examples of fringAdd-ons for users to play with, the full catalog with all the new developed fringAdd-ons will become available around end of July (meaning any add-on you develop from today will be available for all the fring community for end of July).
Second, currently the fringAPI is available for fring client on the Symbian S60 9.2 only, more platform to come shortly.

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fring for iPod Touch (version 0.9786)

fring Many of you are familiar with fring and as you know frig was developed for the iPhone however, they have had a ton of requests to make it more compatible with the iPod Touch. Well, you asked and they delivered. Today, version 0.9786 of fring was released making it compatible with the iPod Touch. Here is what the developer has to say:

Just like the original version created for the iPhone, this is the same special pre-release R&D version with some chat bugs fixed so now you can mobile internet chat & interact in fring-style on your iPod touch (I know I am stating the obvious… but as there is no Microphone the iPod touch…. it means no fring calls as well).

Doug and I also found that this version works a lot smoother for us. He was able to call Skype on my computer, I was able to call his iPhone from Skype on my computer and we were able to call from iPhone to iPhone using fring. Very, very cool! fring is vailable through the fring source.

Below is a video of the developer using fring on an iPod Touch.

Watch “fring for iPod Touch” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

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