Archives for April 2009

Relax – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard relaxtheme3 Relax is a nice, calm theme that contains 34 icons, a dock, a wallpaper and a lock screen background. One thing to note about this theme is that when you install it, the theme’s iTunes icon does not display…it is in the file, it is just named incorrectly. If you are comfortable with SSH…you can SSH into the Library/Themes/Relax Theme/Icons folder and rename the icon file Itunes to iTunes…then it will show up correctly. Also, the red badge just does not go with this theme…I would have loved to have seen a nice semi-transparent badge (or maybe one that matched a little better!). But, it is still a nice theme that is easy on the eyes! You can get this theme via the iSpazio source.

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the iSpazio source installed in Cydia.
3. Search for Relax in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the Relax theme.
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InstallerAppI was really hoping for an app that I would be able to use to backup my apps to my Mac so when firmware updates came about, I would just be able to update, jailbreak, and then sync. In fact, that is exactly what I can do. RipDev claims, “InstallerApp comes with free built-in Pusher — software that can install on your iPhone without “jailbreaking” it, so you can use App Store and Installer simultaneously without putting your private data at risk.” We are going to get into this, but if you haven’t jailbroken your iPhone, are running OS X 10.5.6, or have a newer (2009) or unibody Mac, do not use this app!

Now a few things about this app that honestly, really bother me.
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Cydia Queue – Queue Apps in Cydia

Cydia Ok, I’m not sure how long this has been there but, I just noticed that Cydia has a Queue feature! Yesterday, I was installing an application and I decided to Cancel it instead of Confirm it (which I rarely do)…that is when I noticed the pop-up had the options to Continue Queuing or Cancel and Clear. I was like, WHAT…when did Cydia get a queue!!! So, I thought I would check it out! Here is how it works.

When you select Install on an application, you get the next screen in which you can Confirm or Cancel the install. If you select Cancel, you are given the option to queue it or to cancel the install. If you select Continue Queuing, it will keep that app in a “Queue.” You are then able to add more applications to the queue by selecting them, selecting install, selecting cancel and then selecting the Continue Queuing option. Once you have added all the apps you would like to install to the queue, you can select Install on the last application and then select Confirm (you will notice that all the apps in your queue are listed on the Confirm page)…this will install all the apps in your queue. [Read more…]

AppleiPhoneSchool Site Update

AiS If you haven’t noticed already, Doug made a few changes to the bottom of the website. He replaced the previous App Store info with more specific topics (such as Themes and Games). Personally, I like it better than the App Store info…take a look at it and let me know what you think.

Google Reader

This is a web app that I use every day. It’s a nicely iPhone optimized website for Google Reader. Google Reader is one of the best RSS readers I’ve ever used. It’s web based but has a lot of features. You have access to all your feeds indivudually or all at once. You can also star items, share them, email them, add notes, etc. It’s very fast easy to navigate on the iPhone. Tapping the title expands the article with out refreshing the page. [Read more…]

Aue Nature – Wallpapers

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Aue Nature auenaturefalls Aue Nature is a wallpaper pack that contains 12 nature scene wallpapers. The pack includes a few decent wallpapers… you can check out screenshot of all the wallpapers below (that way you know if you want to install the pack or not). Aue Nature is available via the MacCiti source. Remember, if you like a few of the wallpapers from the pack you can always install it and then delete the ones you do not want off your iPhone or iPod Touch. They are located in the Library/Wallpaper folder.
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Battle Dot – Accelerometer Based Game

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Battle Dot We have not seen a ton of games released on the jailbreak scene since firmware 2.x (not like we had with 1.1.4 and below) however, Battle Dot showed up today in Cydia. It is an accelerometer based game in which you move your player (the dot) by tilting your iPhone. The game is well designed and fun to play. So, lets take a look at it!

When you open Battle Dot, you get a nice instruction page. Once you have read the instructions, just tap the screen. You can then tilt your iPhone to move the dot into the 1 player or 2 player door (that is the open space at the top of the screen). You will then get a screen in which you can choose to play one of four different arenas. Each arena has a unique element to make the game a little trickier. The first arena (from left to right) has a tornado that you want to aviod, the second arena is broke into four separate squares that you have to try to maneuver through, the third arena has a bar that moves back and forth across the play screen and the forth arena has a constantly rotating open circle in the middle of the play screen. To select an arena, just move your dot through it’s “door way.”
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Deep Space – Wallpapers

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Deep Space deepspacewallpaper3 I was just thinking that it had been awhile since I had done a post about wallpapers and what happens when I open Cydia…a package of new wallpapers! So, here you go…new wallpapers! Deep Space contains only 3 wallpapers (which is sometimes nice…that way you aren’t installing a ton of wallpapers to get the two you want!). All three wallpapers are nicely designed space scenes…so, if you are in the mood for a change…you might want to check these out. Deep Space is available via the MacCiti source. Screenshots below.
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Microsoft Buys Cydia

Cydia Ok, many of you have probably seen the new announcement in Cydia…that Microsoft has bought Cydia. This morning when I opened Cydia, I was greeted with a “new” tag on the announcement by Saurik. Of course my curiosity immediately sparked so, I clicked on the link. I then read a short blurb about how Microsoft had bought Cydia and how Cydia might be in for a few changes. Just as I finished reading the story, Doug walked around the corner and I (in a small state of shock and confusion) said, “Microsoft bought Cydia.” That is when Doug gently reminded me that today was April Fool’s Day!! I’m sad to say that I fell for this one (and I know I’m not the only one!!!). [Read more…]