FacebookBirthdays – Receive Push Notifications for Contacts and Facebook Friends’ Birthdays

Available In: App Store Price: $0.99

FacebookBirthdays FacebookBirthdays is an application that allows you to view Birthdays for both your iPhone contacts and your Facebook friends. The app will also send you push notifications for upcoming Birthdays.

FacebookBirthdays will automatically pull in all your Contact’s Birthdays (no internet connect required) the first time you open the app. In order for the app to pull in all your Facebook Birthdays, you will need to navigate to the Settings option on the lower menu bar and sign into your Facebook account. Once you have signed in, you can Sync and all your Facebook Friend’s Birthdays are pulled in. The process is quick and painless.

The Today & Upcoming option on the lower menu bar displays any upcoming Birthdays for both Contacts and Facebook friends. The All Birthdays option will display everyones’ Birthdays. All Birthdays is broken up into two categories; Address Book and Facebook.

If you tap on a Contact’s Birthday, you have the ability to call them, text them, email them or view their contact info (with the ability to edit their contact info).

If you tap on a Facebook friend’s Birthday you have the ability to write on their wall or view their profile right from within the application.

You will receive a push notification each morning indicating how many friends have Birthdays that day.

If you are looking for a quick and simple way to receive push notification about upcoming Birthdays, this just might be the app for you!



App Store Description:

With PUSH Notifications!!

Have you ever missed your friends’ birthday? Then this app is made for you!
An app that help people remember their friends’ birthday. With Apple’s PUSH Notification service you will get reminded every day how many of your iPhone contacts or Facebook friends have their birthday. Now you will never miss a birthday!

NO internet connection is required for address book contacts.


– Keep in touch with all your friends these you have in your address book and sure those at Facebook (internet connection is required for Facebook friends).

– PUSH Notifications
you will always be the first one sending you friends your greetings

– You can immediately call hem/her , send a sms , write an e-mail and even write on his/her wall at Facebook , all these with a simple click.

– In addition, you will get daily a Budge on the App icon with the number of your friends’ upcoming birthdays.

– Very useful and helpful interface, easy to use.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email us at info@angistalis.com. We’d like to hear from you.
What’s new

– Fixed contacts syncing
– Fixed Facebook Wall integration

Birthday Cal Push – Import Contacts’ Birthday’s into Calendar

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Birthday Cal Push Birthday Cal Push is an application that will put your Contacts’ birthday’s into your stock Calendar application. I was actually totally stoked to see this application. As far as I know, this is the first app of this type.

Once installed, all you have to do is tap on the Birthday Cal Push icon and the application will open and close. In theory, all your contacts’ birthday’s will then be in your Calendar. However, this application did not work for me. I tapped on the icon, it opened and closed, I went to my Calendar and I got nothing. So, I gave it another shot…still nothing. I even tried entering a new birthday for one of my contacts and then running the Birthday Cal Push app. [Read more…]

iBirthdays – Keep Track of Your Contacts’ Birthdays

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free & $6.99  

iBirthday iBirthdays is an application that allows you to nicely keep track of upcoming Birthdays. I have reviewed a few Birthday applications available since the 2.x firmware (QuickBirthday and Birthday Reminder). Like most Birthday applications, the Birthdays are pulled from your Contact List. So, in order for this app to work, you have to have Birthdays assigned to your Contacts (see info below on how to do so).

When you open iBirthdays (which should not be confused for iBirthday), you get a list of your upcoming Birthdays. The list displays the contact’s Photo, Name, Birthday Date, how old they are going to be and how many months/days until their Birthday. There is also a lower menu bar in which you can view the list by All by Date (this displays the Birthdays for all your contacts starting in January and going to December), All by Name (this displays the Birthdays for all your contacts in alphabetical order by the contact’s name) and Setting. [Read more…]

QuickBirthday – Keep Track of Upcoming Birthdays

Available In: Cydia       Price: $4.99 EUR – 14 day free trial  

QuickBirthday QuickBirthday is an application that allows you to keep track of upcoming birthdays, send birthday greetings via SMS or email and create events. When you install QuickBirthday, it will also install two other apps at the same time; QuickBoard (which is the platform QuickBirthday runs on) and QuickSMS (which I find is annoying…I only want to install the app that I want to install!). Once the apps are installed, you can launch them by tapping your volume up button on the side of your iPhone. This will launch a menu with a few options including the ability to purchase the app and the ability to retrieve a trial license…you probably just want to retrieve the trial license for now (the full version of the app is $4.99 EUR).

Once your trial license has been downloaded, you can select the volume up button again to get into the application. It defaults to the QuickSMS application so you will want to select the QuickBoard option on the lower menu bar. Here you will see QuickSMS, QuickBirthday and Settings. In the Settings, you will find quite a few setting options including the ability to set QuickBirthday as the volume up button instead of QuickSMS (or you can set it as the double-tap on Home Button or the double-tap on Status Bar). [Read more…]

Birthdays – Keep Track of Upcoming Birthdays

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

birthdays Birthdays is very simple application that allows you to keep track of upcoming birthdays. In order for this application to actually work, you will need to add (or have) Birthdays assigned to your Contacts. To add a Birthday to a contact….go to your Phone app, select Contacts, select a contact, tap Edit is the upper right corner, scroll down and tap on Add Field, scroll down and tap Birthday, enter the date of the person’s Birthday and tap Save in the upper right corner.

When you open the Birthdays application, you will see the main screen in which it displays birthdays in the current month, next month and then any other birthdays. The list will display the contacts name and the day and the month of their birthday. If you tap one of the people in the list, you will be able to see that person’s contact info. Though, you can’t actually call them from within the Birthday’s application which I think is most definitely a necessity!! [Read more…]

SkrewCommon 1.39

iToday The update to SkrewCommon version 1.39 makes some nice changes to iToday. My favorite part of the update is that both the box and the screen are now scrollable. In the previous version, only the screen was scrollable. This adds a ton of functionality to the application. However, it is a little tricky getting used to scrolling just the screen and not the boxes. You have to scroll near the top or on the right of the screen. After a little practice, it is no problem. Both SMS and Call History have been added to the lockscreen. It displays the Date, Time and Contact from the last 10 Texts and Calls you have received. It also displays [Read more…]

iToday 0.4

iToday The update to iToday adds only a few new features. You are now able to choose what format you would like the date/time to be displayed in and there are two new themes in the Themes section. I personally like IntelliScreen but, I’m curious to know which you prefer iToday or IntelliScreen. iToday is available through the Skrew source.

iToday 0.4 iToday 0.4 iToday 0.4 [Read more…]