Archives for December 2007

DressUp Update 0.01-1

DressUp There has been an update to DressUp in the…this app is available through the Ste Packaging Source. The only thing I have noticed with the update is that every time you reopen the app it randomly changes the image next to the costumes…the image is selected from the pieces that can be used in that costume. Though, it could have done that before and I didn’t notice…someone who hasn’t updated yet…let me know if it does!! Screenshots:

DressUp Update 0.01-1 DressUp Update 0.01-1 DressUp Update 0.01-1
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Moo Update 0.2

Moo There is an update to Moo in the This app is available through the Ste Packaging Source. With the update comes a whole new app!! Not only is the picture different when you open the app but, you no longer get just a moo instead you get a bunch of different barnyard animal sounds. Shake your iPhone and experience an entire array of animals including; a pig, sheep, horse, duck, donkey, roster and a cow. Here are the screenshots…but, you really need to install the app to get the full effect! :)

Moo Update 0.2 Moo Update 0.2

New App – ToDo

ToDo ToDo is available through the in the Ste Packaging Source. The app opens to a blank page…to add a task just tap Edit in the top right corner. You can then select New in the top left corner. This will automatically bring up a task titled ttd…to change it just tap on it…you can then erase ttd and type in the title of your task. Once you have the title of your task entered you can tap Update to add it to your todo list. If you do not want to add it to your todo list just tap Cancel. If you are done editing and would like to get back to the main list tap Done in the top right corner. While in the main list view…you can tap on a task and choose to send yourself an email reminder. This will bring up a blank email with the title of your task as the subject…you can add additional information in the body of the email or send it with just the subject. To delete a task, go back into Edit and then tap on the red button to the left of the task…a delete button will appear to the right of the task…just select delete and your task will be deleted. This is a simple little app that can be very useful. I would love to see the ability to create categories and the ability to check things off without deleting them! Other than that…a good app. Below are some screenshots:

There is another good todo list app, MobileToDoList, available in the under productivity and through the Ste Packaging source.

ToDo ToDo ToDo
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New app – iLyrics ENG

iLyrics This is a new app in the available through the iSpazio source. iLyrics will display the lyrics of the song you have playing on your iPhone. To use the app you will first have to go into your iPod and select a song and play it (if you go to the app before playing a song it will say Not Playing). Once a song is playing, tap your home button and find the app in your SpringBoard. When the app opens it will say Searching and then you will get one of two things; Downloading…and then the lyrics will appear or Not found. If you swipe your finger on the screen the page will flip over and you will get the menu. It will show a list all of the artists that you have used iLyrics to get the lyrics of their songs (or it will show a blank list if you don’t have any lyrics). You can then click on the artist and it will list all of the songs, just click on the song and you will get the lyrics. You will also notice a Settings button in the top right corner. In the Settings there is the option to change the font size of the lyrics, change the source of the lyrics (where it is pulling the lyrics from), choose a search engine and information about the app. When you have changed everything to the way to want it…just tap Done in the top right corner. You can then refresh your song lyrics by flipping the page back over and tapping on the round arrow in the top right. Personally…I think this would be a SWEET app…but, it needs some work.
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New Game – Caissa

Caissa Caissa is available in the through the Ste Packaging Source. If you like Chess…you will like Caissa. It is very similar to the app Chess, which was also just released in the Caissa opens to a normal Chess playing board. In the top right corner you will find an Options button. You will want to start by setting a few options. You are given the ability to change both the white and black pieces to either Human, Auto or Server. You can also change the game difficultly from -4 to 10 (-4 being the easiest and 10 the most difficult). There are two options for the board appearance marble and wood. There are two option for the pieces as well…Normal and Advanced shape…though I can’t get the Advance shape to work…it just goes back to Normal. You will also see an About button in the top left corner…it gives you more information about the app. Once you have selected your options tap the Back button in the top right corner. You can then begin playing by tapping Start in the top left corner. To move your piece just tap on the piece you would like to move and drag it to the box you would like to move it to. The moves are displayed below the playing board. If you would like to leave the game but want to pick up where you left off next time you open the app, just tap Save in the bottom left corner…however, next time you open the app it will open to a new game and you will have to tap Load in the bottom right corner to load the game you saved. Here are the screenshots:

Caissa DressUp Caissa
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New Toy – DressUp

DressUp DressUp is a toy available in the through the Ste Packaging Source. DressUp is an app the combines a few previous apps that allow you to take a picture and then drag images onto the picture to “dress up” the person in your picture. It is exactly the same to Erica Sadun’s apps Pirate and Halloween but now just puts them all in one spot. The app opens to a menu giving you all of the theme options (at this time there are only Pirate and Halloween available) just select the theme you would like to use. Hold your camera up like you are going to take a picture and when you have the picture where you want it tap Stop in the top left corner. Now you can drag the images from the bottom of the screen onto the picture. If you decide you don’t like the picture and want to set another one, just tap Restart in the top left corner. Once you have the picture exactly how you would like it you can email it by tapping Email in the top right corner. Here are the screenshots:

DressUp DressUp DressUp
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New Toy – Moo

Moo Moo is available for download in the through the Ste Packaging Source. This is just a fun little app that opens to a picture of a cow and when you shake your iPhone you get a nice mooing sound!! Here are the screenshots:

Moo Moo Moo

iPhone 101 – Episode 2

Merry Christmas! We are trying to improve with each episode but this week we were a little short on equipment while traveling. Please comment to help us improve the video podcast!

iPhone 101 on iTunes
Garageband Ringtones
No Negative Degrees
AAA battery pack
orange unlocked
make iphone programs
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New iPhone Owners!!

Merry Christmas!! We would just like to say hi to everyone who got a new iPhone for Christmas….welcome to the exciting world of iPhone owners!! YAY!! We hope that you love your new iPhone. If you are wondering what to do next…you will most likely want to check out our mod/hack page. You will also want to check out our and SummerBoard pages. Those are a few of the essentials…but, you might also want to see some of the fun things like; games, themes and wallpapers. Feel free to look around and learn all about your new iPhone. If you have any questions you can email us at is updated constantly and we do a video podcast once a week to help keep you informed and up-to-date on information about your iPhone. Welcome to the iPhone family…we hope you enjoy the site and your new iPhone!!

New Game – Chess

Chess Chess is an app available in the through the Robota Softwarehouse source. This app opens to a standard chess game. You are white and the iPhone is black. To move your piece just tap on the piece you would like to move and then tap on the square you would like to move it to. The moves are shown at the bottom of the screen and who’s turn it is is displayed at the top of the screen. If you get stuck, you can tap on the Actions button in the top left corner and get a ton of options…you can get a hint, undo your last move, have the game make your next move, play a new game, save your current game, load your previous game, learn more about the app, and donate. There are some settings that you can change as well, just tap the Settings button in the top right corner. It will give you the option to save your game when you exit the app, 4 board layouts to pick from (Basic, Brown, Wood, Funky) and the ability to choose between eight levels of difficulty. The only thing this app is missing is the ability to play with 2 players. Here are the screenshots:

Chess Chess chess
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New App – PhotoBoard

PhotoBoard PhotoBoard is available for install through the as a part of the Ste Packaging source. The app opens to a screen that gives you some basic info about the app. To start the app just tap the screen. It then brings up the picture you have set as your wallpaper and to get the menu, tap and hold your finger on the screen. You can then choose from three options; Roll, Group and Setup by moving your finger to one of the three images (while still holding your finger down). The first time you select the Roll option, it will bring in a picture of a city…from then on when you choose the Roll option it will bring in pictures from your Camera Roll – starting with your oldest photo. You can then move and resize the pictures by using two fingers. Once you have a few photos on the screen you can choose the Group option. This will put the photos that are on your screen into a group and resize them, making them all the same size. Once they are in a group, if you choose the Group option again it will move the group of photos around the screen. The Setup option does not work at this time. There are a few things I would like to see in this app that it does not do. You can not change which photo is on top or which photos are pulled in. It would be cool to be able to use this app to make photo collages and have the ability to save them or email them! Here are the screenshots:

PhotoBoard PhotoBoard PhotoBoard
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iToggle Update 1.0.5

iToggle The update to iToggle version 1.0.5 is available in the through the ModMyiFone source. This update takes out one of the options that used to allow you to turn the Tinyproxy on or off. All of the other options are still available. Here are the screenshots:

iToggle Update 1.0.5 iToggle Update 1.0.5 iToggle Update 1.0.5

Garf Update 0.17

Garf There is an update to Garf in the through the MofMyiFone source. There are a few noticeable changes with this update. The overall game is brighter and the play area is larger – both improvements make the game more enjoyable. It also seems as though the app runs a little smoother…maybe some back-end code changes were made…I could just be searching too hard for changes!! :) Let me know in the comments if you notice anything else. Here are the screenshots:

Garf Update .17 Garf Update .17

Christmas Theme Added

We added a new Christmas theme to our Themes Gallery…just in time for you to enjoy it for Christmas!! YAY! Also check out our Wallpapers Gallery for Christmasy wallpapers.

SiLenT NiTe designed by MeduZa

DropCopy 0.4b Update

DropCopyWhile testing the new version of DropCopy I’ve noticed a couple changes. One is the filter menu has changed. You can now see your iTunes library and share songs which has replaced the Apps button. Another change is the DropCopy tools. The “Restart Springboard” option is gone and has been replaced with “Show Current IP Number” and “Launch PDF Viewer” options. A problem I’m having is when I turn off, then back on the “Accept Incoming” option in the settings, I can’t get it to turn back on and it just crashes the iPhone. It’s happening on both iPhone so now I can’t get the app to work at all :( Here are some screenshots:

dropcopy 0.4b dropcopy 0.4b 1 dropcopy 0.4b 2 [Read more…]