3.0 Firmware is Jailbreakable (according to Dev Team)

Dev Team The Dev Team updated their blog recently to give us some information about unlocking and jailbreaking the 3.0 firmware. Below is what they have to say.

“With all of the great stuff lined up for us with the 3.0 OS that Apple described today, many 3G owners may find themselves with itchy update fingers. If you find yourself with access to the 3G IPSW for 3.0 via the iPhone Dev Center program, and you are using yellowsn0w, do not update or restore to that official IPSW. You will lose yellowsn0w and find yourself unable to revert the baseband to get it back.

And for those wondering, yes the 3.0 OS is jailbreakable on all devices. It’s just those using 3G yellowsn0w that have to show some restraint and wait for PwnageTool to create a custom IPSW that avoids the baseband update.”

Dev Team Repo Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Dev Team Doug and I have noticed in recent days that the Dev Team’s repo, that we had manually added to Cydia, was not working and we were not able to download the newest version of yellowsn0w. Well, it seems that they have released a new source via Cydia. So, no more adding the source manually…just open Cydia and install the Dev-Team source package. When you install the source, you are then able to install the new version of yellowsn0w, 0.9.7, which is compatibly with the “pwned 2.2.1 system (not baseband). Again remember 0.9.7 yellowsn0w DOES NOT WORK WITH 2.2.1 (02.30.03) directly – you need to be running a ‘pwned’ version of 2.2.1 which didn’t upgrade the baseband during the restore/upgrade.” [Read more…]

redsn0w – Jailbreak for iPod Touch 2G (2nd Generation) Video

The Dev Team, specifically MuscleNerd, has released a video via qik.com of a jailbroken iPod Touch 2G (2nd Generation). Unfortunatly the jailbreak only works when tethered (connected via USB) to a computer. They are working on a fix for this but have proven the jailbreak to work by running terminal, Cydia and an NES Emulator (Nintendo). Let us know if the comments if you have an iPod Touch 2G waiting to jailbreak. Here’s the video:

Watch “redsn0w demo — first iPod Touch 2G jailbreak” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

2nd Gen iPod Touch Jailbreak Screenshot

Dev Team It seems they (the Dev Team) are getting closer to the 2nd Generation iPod Touch jailbreak. They recently posted the first screenshot of a jailbroke 2nd gen iPod Touch on their website. However, it seems that the process has not yet been perfected and isn’t quite ready for public release. So far, there is no ETA on when the jailbreak will be available. Below is what the Dev Team has to say about it and the screenshot.
[Read more…]

2nd Gen iPod Touch Jailbreak Coming Soon?

DevTeam The Dev Team has left yet another cryptic message on their website today. It leads one to believe that we might soon be seeing a jailbreak for the 2nd generation iPod Touch. I know this has been long awaited so, we will have to wait and see what happens. As of now, the only clue we get is an abstract image on redsn0w.com. Below is the message from the Dev Team…to see the image head over to redsn0w.com. We will keep you updated on any changes. [Read more…]

iPhone 3G Unlock Software Update – yellowsn0w

Dev Team It seems that yellowsn0w has been updated to version 0.9.5 beta. The Dev Team says that the update should, “fix quite a few problems including some STK issues.” They also suggest that everyone update to the newest version of yellowsn0w. For more info – check out the Dev Team’s website. Let us know in the comments if the update fixes any of the problems you were having.

iPhone 3G Unlock yellowsn0w Sources Now Available!!

Dev Team Well, it is official, an iPhone 3G unlock is now available! Here is a link to the article that contains the iPhone 3G unlock sources. We are linking to the actual article instead of just posting the sources in case they are ever changed. They provide one source for Cydia and another for Installer. All you need to do is add the corresponding source into Cydia or Installer on your iPhone 3G…if you need instructions on how to do so please see our f.a.q. page.

iPhone 3G Unlock Pre-Release Info for yellowsn0w

Dev TeamThe Dev Team has released some info about the iPhone 3G unlock. Previous information is true that the unlock will work with the newest version of iPhone firmware 2.2 and the baseband that comes with it, version 02.28.00. This means that if you upgraded to 2.2 without using a custom firmware the unlock will still work. It also means you will need to update to 2.2 if you are still on 2.0 or 2.1. The unlock software, called yellowsn0w, will be available via an app in Cydia or Installer. We’re still waiting on the Dev Team to release the Source URL that you need to add to Cydia or Installer. Once we get it, we’ll let you know. We’ll also post a walkthrough of the process. You can read more about the release of yellowsn0w on the Dev Team’s Blog.

iPhone Dev Team’s Binary Message

Dev TeamThe Dev team recently posted a binary message on their site and we thought we’d help you figure out what it means. First, you need to know that the code is written in binary. This is the code that computers run on. You can use a binary to text conversion tool found here to convert the code. So the original looks like this: 011101100111010001100001011000100110010101110010001000000011011000110001

After translation you get this: vtaber 61060174

“vtaber” is the word “IGNORE”. It is decoded using ROT13 which is “a simple substitution cipher used in online forums as a means of hiding spoilers, punchlines, puzzle solutions, and offensive materials from the casual glance.” (Thanks wikipedia!) [Read more…]

Dev Team Presents at CCC in Berlin

Dev TeamThe Dev Team gave a presentation on the jailbreaking and unlocking processes at CCC in Berlin last week. It’s about an hour long but very intersting. This was the first time most of the team had met in person. Here’s some notes I took from the video:

– There are about 180 active users from within Apple’s corperate IP range downloading pwnage tool or quickpwn
– Apple released their security patches one at a time which allowed each one to be reverse engineered. If they did it all at once, it may not have been possible.
– The Dev Team has worked through a lot of levels to get the jailbreaks and unlocks to work. Thanks Dev Team!

[via crunchgear]

.appshirt – iPhone T-shirts & Sweatshirts

It is getting a little late for online Christmas shopping (which I did a lot of this year) but, if you are looking for something to get that techy person in your life…you might want to check out these t-shirts and sweatshirts. They have a few iPhone specific t-shirts including one with the Pwnage logo (the pineapple), one that says; “Dude, where’s your baseband?” as well as a few others. There are also a few t-shirts/sweatshirts that are twitter related. I personally love the descriptions that are written for some of the shirts! The t-shirts run between 23.00-25.00 EUR (which is about $35.00 USD) and the sweatshirts are 50.00 EUR. The website is appshirt.com. Check it out! Below are images of a few of the t-shirts. [Read more…]

iPhone 3G Unlock Complete & OS X 10.5.6 DFU Error Fixes!

Dev TeamThe dev team has announced the completion of the iPhone 3G unlock on their website, blog.iphone-dev.org. They will are planning to release the unlock via QuickPwn or BootNeuter by New Year’s Eve. You must be running baseband 2.11.07 or earlier. That means if you’ve upgraded firmware since 2.1 without using a tool that creates a custom firmware then you’ll have to wait until they get the newer baseband unlocked. Others who will also be waiting are 2nd Generation iPod Touch owners. Work on it’s jailbreak won’t begin until at least 2009. Finally, if you’re having troubles with the latest OS X 10.5.6 update there are some possible fixes. There are try at your own risk: [Read more…]

Info from the Dev Team about Firmware 2.2 and Jailbreaking

Dev TeamBelow is an what the Dev Team has to say about firmware 2.2. We will be keeping an eye on their website for any future info.
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iPhone 3G Unlock Progress?

Dev TeamAs we were traveling today, we learned that the Dev Team had some new info about the progress of the iPhone 3G unlock. We are finally settled for the night so, I thought I would let you know what the Dev Team has posted on their blog today. Though they have made progress, they still do not have any estimation on when there will be a software unlock available for the iPhone 3G.

“Here’s a screenshot of a 3G iPhone whose baseband has been modified. And even though it’s modified — and fails the integrity check — it’s still running. Can you guess where the patch was made?

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Dev Team Gives Additional Installer 4.0 Screenshots

Dev TeamThe Dev Team has also recently updated their blog, part of the update gives some additional screenshots of what Installer 4.0 will look like. Check them out below. They also mention that Installer will not be out in the next few days but sooner than a couple of weeks. there is a lot more to their update and you can read the entire blog entry HERE.

Installer 4.0
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