New iPad Ordered!

AppleWe’ve finally ordered our new iPad 3G! Usually we have the iPhone right when it comes out but since the iPad costs more it took us a little longer to save up for it. I decided to order the 3G so we can test it out and so we can have data access whenever we need it. I also picked the 16GB version. I, of course, would like to have the 64GB version but for $200 more I decided to save that money to use for the new iPhone 4/4G/HD. Also, I looked at the storage right now on my iPhone 3GS and concluded I’d be fine with only 16GB.

Right now my iPhone has all my music on it that I own. I know, it’s not a lot but it is about 1,400 songs. I don’t think I”ll be putting any music on my iPad. I also have 312 apps which really don’t take a lot of room. My available capacity is 14.7 GB. I originally bought the 32GB iPhone 3GS so I wouldn’t be restricted on taking pictures and video. If I wanted to record a 30min clip, I didn’t want to be limited by space. On the iPad, I won’t be taking pictures or video so I won’t need that extra space. As for watching videos like movies, I probably won’t be ripping videos to my iPad. Most movies we watch are from Redbox so use a laptop or my 24″ iMac. [Read more…]

New iPad Commercial: What is iPad?

AppleApple has posted a new iPad commercial to it’s YouTube account. The video helps answer the question most people ask about the iPad, why do you need one? What’s interesting is the comparison of this commercial to a commercial from Apple back in the 90’s for the Newton. Check out both commercials below.


iAwesome – WinterBoard Theme

iAwesome is a WinterBoard theme that contains 304 redesigned icons (though all icons are modded… more to come on that), wallpaper, status bar, lock screen wallpaper, lock screen battery, badges, pop-ups and quite a few UI mods. The nice thing about this theme is that it contains an icon overlay which means that all icons are modded… not just icons that have been designed for the theme. If you go into the App Store, you will see that even the icons in the AppStore are modded with the overlay.
That is good news for those of you who like this theme because it means all the icons are your device will be modded… which is a rare occurrence. Check out the screenshots below.

You can get the iAwesome them via the BigBoss source.
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WiCarrier – Change Carrier in Status Bar to WiFi Network Name

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WiCarrier WiCarrier is a pretty cool little hack that changes the carrier name on your status bar to display the WiFi network name when connected to WiFi. For example, our WiFi network at home is ahhyeah. So, when I am connected to our home WiFi, instead of saying AT&T on the status bar it says ahhyeah. Another cool little feature of the hack is that you can tap the WiFi network and it will display your local IP address. When you are no longer connected to WiFi, it will go back to displaying your carrier name.

This hack works in fine if your carrier name has been changed using MakeItMine (or similar). When you are no longer connected to WiFi, it will switch back to your modded carrier name.
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Instructions and Video Demo of Spirit Jailbreak for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

SpiritThe Spirit jailbreak is a very quick and easy jailbreak. It can jailbreak all devices including all versions of the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad. It can jailbreak devices on firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.2. This is not an unlock, so do not use this jailbreak if you want to keep your iPhone unlocked. Below are step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on how to use the jailbreak.

NOTE: The first time we tested the Spirit jailbreak, it was with a device that was restored from a backup and we got the SWOD. However, when we tested the jailbreak again using a device with a clean restore (not from a backup) it worked perfectly.
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Apple Annouces International iPad Release Date and Prices

Apple Today, Apple announced that the iPad will be available in nine more countries on Friday, May 28th. These countries include; Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. Customers in these nine countries can begin pre-ordering the iPad on Monday, May 10th via Apple’s online store.

Apple’s press release also states that the iPad will be available in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore sometime in July. Check out Apple’s full press release below for more info.

Below is the International Price List for all versions of the iPad.
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WinterBoard Update – Improved iPad Integration

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard You may have noticed that WinterBoard received an update today to version 0.9.3182-1. The new version improves WinterBoard’s integration onto the iPad. According to saurik, while the update is not 100%, they apparently have “made great progress on WinterBoard’s iPad support.” Below is the official change log. [Read more…]

SBSetting 3.0.9 – Rotation, iPad Integration & New Features

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## Yesterday, SBSettings was updated to version 3.0.9-11 and released in BigBoss’s main source. Below is a full change log for the update but, a few of the major changes include rotation, better iPad integration and a few new options.

I was pretty stoked when I heard about the new rotation feature however, it was mostly created for iPad users. When your iPhone or iPod touch is in landscape mode and you swipe to launch SBSetting, it hangs off all weird. You are still able to use the toggles however, you are unable to get to the other options such as More, Refresh, Dock, Respring and Power. BigBoss has said that he does not plan to fix this issue due to the fact that it was basically created for iPad users. However, it can be disabled.
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iPad Jailbreak Application Compatibilty List

##ICON_NAME## MuscleNerd recently tweeted that there is an official iPad Jailbreak Compatibility List and that anyone can contribute to the list. It is a basically a Google spreadsheet of jailbroken apps and whether or not they are working, working with problems or unusable on the iPad. There is also a place for the tester to add notes and comments about how the app is running. A great resource for those with jailbroke iPads.

Be sure to read the instructions if you decide to contribute to the list.

You can find the iPad Jailbreak Compatibility List HERE.
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Tab+ – Increase the Number of Tabs Allowed in Safari on iPhone, iPod touch & iPad

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## Tab+ is a nice little hack that allows you to have more than eight tabs open at a time in Safari on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad (allows iPad to have more than nine tabs open at a time). There is not much to this one… just install the application via Cydia, respring your device, open Safari and voilà… you can have more than eight tabs at a time.
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iPad 3G 64GB vs. Microwave [video]

AppleHere’s a video of an iPad 3G 64GB being cooked in a microwave for 18 minutes. I have no comment… but I’m sure you will so leave them below.

Spirit Jailbreak Now Available for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

Spirit The Spirit jailbreak has been released. It is an untethered jailbreak for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. The jailbreak is available for both the PC and Mac. Below is some basic info about the jailbreak. For more information and the download links, check out Spirit’s website.
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Save iPhone 3GS, 3rd Gen iPod touch or iPad SHSH Using Windows

AutoSHSHWhen Apple releases a new firmware they don’t like people using older firmware. Sometimes jailbreaking new firmware takes a while and if you ever need to restore to your older firmware it won’t work unless you have your SHSH info. This only applies to the iPhone 3GS, 3rd Gen iPod touch and iPad because they all have a ECID in them which stands for “Exclusive Chip ID”. So, to restore to an older firmware you need the SHSH info for that info and for your device. To backup this info from your device there is a sweet little program called AutoSHSH. This is a Windows only program.

Once downloaded just follow these easy steps:
1. Open iTunes
2. Connect your device to the computer via USB

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iPad 3G Released Today

AppleToday Apple releases the iPad 3G. The difference between the iPad and the iPad 3G are the 3G version has a cell phone chip in it and can connect to cell networks for internet. The iPad 3G also has GPS. In the US the carrier compatible with the iPad 3G is AT&T. Their pricing plans for data are $14.99 for 250MB usable for 30 days, or $29.99 for unlimited data usable for 30 days. These plans also include the free use of AT&T’s 20,000 Wifi hotspots. If you’re wondering which plan is better for you, check out this article by arstechnica which explains how one plan might work better for you.

– Apple is closing stores from 4-5pm to prepare for the launch.
– Phone calls and text messaging are not supported although VOIP apps like Skype are.
– Preorders over the web should be delivered to your home today.
– No contract: The data plans automatically renew every 30 days but can be canceled with no penalty
– For billing purposes, AT&T will assign you a “fake” mobile number.
– Data usage is tracked on device through Settings>Cellular Data
– When using the 250MB plan you will receive popup notifications when you hit 200MB, 225MB, and 250MB.
– Switching from plan to plan restarts your 30 day plan
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Friday Night Movie Night: The iPad DJ

iPodThis is probably the reason that YouTube doesn’t allow every account to upload videos over 10 minutes long. This video is from Scobleizer’s account which can go over the 10 minute limit and so this video is 17:49. A little long but there is some sweet gear in this video and of course some sweet apps. This DJ is doing most everything from two iPads. Check out the video and I also have all the apps she used listed below.


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