Archives for February 2008

OpenSSH Video

Watch “OpenSSH” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

BSD Subsystem 2.1 Video

Watch “BSD Subsystem 2.1” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

ZiPhone 2.4 Video

Watch “ZiPhone 2.4” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

*EDIT* Here is the file I used: ZiPhone 2.4. Also I had my iPhone in dock and ZiPhone wouldn’t work so I had to connect it with only the usb cable.


We are doing some work on, trying to make it more organized and user-friendly. We will do our best to keep everything working correctly while we update! You will begin to see tons of new apps added to our categories listed on the left side of our webpage…so keep an eye out for that. I will keep you updated as we make changes!

If you notice something is not working correctly, feel free to email us at


MobileToDoList2 0.6-rc1

ToDoList2 MoibleToDoList2 is MobileToDoList with a new look and improved interface. When you open the app you will see a lower menu.The options in the lowers menu bar include ToDoList…which is your main to-do list view, Overview and Share!…both of which are features that are coming soon, Settings and About. Settings gives you a ton of options including the ability to turn on/off the Priority, Multilevels, Alarms, and Extended Info. If you turn on Show Priority…it will display the priority level next to each task, if you turn on the multilevel it will then display multilevels for each task, turning on the alarms…obviously turns on the ability to set an alarm and turning on the extended info will give you a little preview of what you have written in the notes for a task. [Read more…]

Funiculus 0.50

Funiculus Funiculus is a guitar tuner right on your iPhone. It uses your iPhone’s microphone and determines the note, note’s pitch and amplitude. When you first open the app it will “Initialize the Microphone.” Once that has finished, you can play a note and it will show display the note in the middle of the screen and whether you are flat or sharp on the upper Pitch scale. If the note’s pitch is correct the green light in the middle of the Pitch scale will light up. It will also display the amplitude (volume/strength of sound measured in decibels) of the note on the side Amplitude scale. It seems to work flawlessly and is very accurate. Also, [Read more…]

iZoo Add-On Themes

iZoo If you are addicted to iZoo (like I TOTALLY am) then you will love these iZoo add-on themes. Some of the new themes include; Chuzzle, TheRiseOfAtlantis and Zuma. They are pretty clean and play nicely…nothing like more variety!! Each theme can be added individually and are put directly into the Themes feature in iZoo (they will not show up on your SpringBoard). All the themes are available through the iPod Touch Fans source. Below are the screenshots:

iZoo Theme iZoo Theme iZoo Theme
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Pool 1.1

Pool Yay, Pool is on it’s way to perfection! Today the app has been updated with new graphics. The balls still look like they are gliding rather than rolling but it does look much better now. Try turning off the numbers to make it look even better. There is also a new background (carpet?). You can keep up on the developer on his blog at He’s also the developer of Backgammon. Below are the screenshots.
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Caissa Update 0.88

Caissa YAY…new icon. Version 0.88 of Caissa brings us a new and improved icon for the app! Ok, not new, it is the same icon but now it is all roundy and nice! There were a few other improvements and fixes (listed below). I did find that with version 0.88 when I save a game and then go back in to Load a saved game it just closes the app and I am not able to get to my saved games. I’m not sure if this is an issue with compatibility with 1.1.1 or not (though it worked fine with the previous version 0.87)….let me know in the comments if it is working for you. However, if you like to save and come back to your games… [Read more…]

iPhone 101 – Episode 5

Watch “iPhone 101 – Episode 5” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

New Themes Added!

YAY!! New Themes! The rest of our themes are in the Themes Gallery….we have another Gallery for Wallpapers too, it’s pretty cool! We added one new Themes to our Featured Themes section and then rest were added to the Downloadable section! There are even a few girly themes in this batch…for us ladies!! :) See all the screenshots below.

Thank you to Veracrow for his ALL fairy Theme!!
If you would like to submit a theme you have designed…just email it to –

Please Note: The credit to the designer is displayed by hovering over the screenshot of the theme. To download, just click on the theme you would like to download:

Featured Theme:
ALL fairy by Veracrow
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snes4iphone video tutorial

Watch “How To Get a Super Nintendo(SNES)” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

iPhone Commercial – Cars

Watch “Cars” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

iPhone Commercial – The Great Thing

Watch “The Great Thing” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

Fixing Showtime (Unlimited) and Themes for 1.1.3

This will fix the problem with the outdated Showtime Unlimited and outdated themes for SummerBoard. It does require you to SSH into your iPhone and use WinSCP/PuTTY for Windows and … for OSX (I don’t have a Mac so I’ll have to fill these parts in when I figure them out.) You will have to run short scripts from the command line. Pacemakers beware! If you think you can handle it and must have these fixes, proceed. [Read more…]