Snow Leopard and Jailbreaking

##ICON_NAME## Yesterday, the Dev-Team tweeted about their concern with the release of Snow Leopard and jailbreaking. They said, “If you get both Snow Leopard & iPhone on Fri, easiest to jailbreak 1st, update to Snow 2nd :) Til any kinks are worked out.” However, a little later they tweeted, “Lots of tweets that redsn0w and PwnageTool work great on Snow Leopard, so *should* be kink-free Friday! Thanks twitterers!” So, if you are getting (or got) Snow Leopard today, you should be good to go.


Info on purplera1n Jailbreak for 3.0.1 Firmware

##ICON_NAME## Last night, GeoHot updated his blog in regards to the purplera1n jailbreak working on the 3.0.1 firmware. Below is what he had to say.

“Currently, it doesn’t work, and I don’t plan to ever make it work. Apple changed the kernel from 3.0 to 3.0.1, and I patch the kernel in a very specific spot. I code to make things simple, hacky, and fast. Dev codes to make things proper, slow, and complicated; redsn0w works OOTB. I could imagine a tool that takes the best of both worlds. No reason you need to push buttons or give the jailbreak program an ipsw; you can still write something generic that’ll work on every device and version. And be fast. But I’m too lazy to write it. [Read more…]

Jailbreak 3.0.1 Firmware

Dev TeamIt’s pretty easy to jailbreak 3.0.1. You can use redsnow but you just point it towards 3.0 firmware file when it asks for it. This update only fixes the SMS exploit that was recently announced. Here’s the official word from the Dev Team:

Short version:

You can re-use redsn0w v0.8 we released a few weeks ago to jailbreak today’s 3.0.1 update. Just let iTunes update or restore you to official 3.0.1 then run redsn0w. The only “trick” is that when redsn0w asks you to identify the IPSW used, point it at the 3.0 IPSW instead of the 3.0.1 one. After the jailbreak, reinstall ultrasn0w 0.9 if you need the unlock.

More details:

The 3.0.1 release is a “branch” from 3.0 that occurs (code-wise) before all the 3.1 betas. The programs redsn0w needs to change for the jailbreak are identical when you compare the 3.0 and 3.0.1 versions. It seems pretty much the only changes Apple made were for the SMS bug, which affects programs that redsn0w doesn’t touch. That’s why you can re-use redsn0w 0.8 on 3.0.1 even though it was written for 3.0.

And since 3.0.1 doesn’t touch the baseband either, ultrasn0w 0.9 works for those needing the soft unlock. Just install it from the repository using Cydia as usual.

We’ll at some point fix redsn0w to recognize both 3.0 and 3.0.1 IPSW’s, but really that’s the only change that would be made to it. Everything else would be identical, so there’s no need to wait for the “proper” version that recognizes the 3.0.1 IPSW as valid.

3.0.1 Jailbreak Info (via Dev-Team)

3.0.1 Jailbreak The Dev-Team has tweeted that the redsn0w jailbreak does work on the 3.0.1 firmware however, you need to point it to the 3.0 IPSW. They say it even works on the iPhone 3GS and with ultrsn0w. They do not have anything posted on their blog yet. Below is their tweet.

iphone_dev tweet
– “Early adopters have found that redsn0w JB *already* works on 3.0.1 (just point it at 3.0 IPSW!) Even for 3GS & ultrasn0w.”

Dev-Team Update

##ICON_NAME## The Dev-Team has updated their website with info about the newest versions of ultrasn0w (unlock) and redsn0w (jailbreak). Below is a snippet of the info…you can get the full article HERE. [Read more…]

redsn0w Update – Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, Hactivated Devices and Linux Version

redsn0w With the release of ultrsn0w 0.8, a software unlock, the Dev-Team has also updated redsn0w, Dev-Team’s jailbreak, to version 0.8. The updated version of redsn0w will jailbreak the iPhone 3GS, hactivated devices and includes a Linux version of the jailbreak.

Dev-Team Quotes:
“Released: redsn0w 0.8 (incl. 3GS, hactivate, linux)

“yep, redsn0w 0.8 also jailbreaks all the other devices at 3.0 too”
[Read more…]

purplera1n Now Available for Mac [iPhone 3GS Jailbreak]

##ICON_NAME##George Hotz has now added a mac version of purplera1n to and an upgrade to the PC version. This is currently the only option for jailbreaking the iPhone 3GS. Let us know how it works for you. Again, no support for winterboard yet.

You asked for it, and we delivered. I’m not a mac coder, so AriX and westbaer stepped up to do it. Check out AriX’s blog here. Download link on, and thank AriX and westbaer next time you see them!

Also, some more payload stability improvements were made, and the windows version was updated to RC2a. There is no reason to run RC2a if you already have RC2 installed.

Purplera1n Updated, Still No Winterboard

iphonePurplera1n has been updated and we’re hearing of much better success from users. There’s still no support for Winterboard but I’m sure it won’t be too long. I can’t wait!

Vista, Windows 7, International, 64-bit support
Less flakiness in the payload
Cydia tar cleaned up
Improved logging with slightly more useful errors
New kernel patches, codesign errors gone. Props posixninja
Added vm_map +x, passed vm_check
No winterboard yet, but now that ball is in Saurik’s court :-)
Still in beta, use caution

You can download Purplera1n for Windows only at

Jailbreak iPhone 3GS With purplera1n [Windows] *UPDATED*

iPhoneRemember George Hotz? He’s the guy(kid) that unlocked the first iPhone and traded it for a Nissan 350Z and 3 8GB iPhones. Well, he’s done it again, but this time it’s a jailbreak, not an unlock. This is for the iPhone 3GS on the 3.0 firmware using Windows. I had to start the app over a few times to get it to work but I got it! If you have troubles, let us know in the comments. Here’s the link to download: So far I’ve got Qik to work! [Read more…]

How to Prepare your iPhone 3GS for Jailbreak

##ICON_NAME## Last night, the Dev-Team released some info about the how to prepare the iPhone 3GS for jailbreaking. However, there wasn’t a guide yet. This morning there is a guide. Below is the info via the Dev-Team. You will want to check out their website for the how-to guide.

“Remember we warned you to stay away from any updates to 3.1 if you want to be able to jailbreak or unlock your 3GS.

Well this is an additional message to all you 3GS owners that would like to jailbreak your device sometime soon, but this advice comes with a warning! A warning that if you accidentally upgrade to 3.1, you will not be able to use Ultransn0w, so please re-read and double check this warning at the bottom of this post before proceeding.

You may have read or heard about techniques to capture files during the iTunes restore process. These will be required to jailbreak your phone in the near future, most of the methods involve icky USB snoops. Well, there is an even better and more reliable method to get your hands on those lovely files.

During the restore process iTunes nicely keeps these oh-so-top-secret-files in a lovely accessible place for us to copy out and backup, that place? /tmp on Mac OS X or %TEMP% on Windows. Thanks Apple — handy!

The downside to this approach is that you actually need to go through the restore process to get these signed files, which has risks if you are anywhere near 3.1 or 3.1 beta :-)

If you are ready to proceed and you know the risks we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty –

So during a usual recovery with iTunes, your signed iBEC is written to /tmp and during a DFU mode restore the signed iBSS is written there also. To be sure, restore in both modes one after another to be able to grab them both. You’ll need to keep an eye on the temp directory and copy it before it is deleted again by iTunes. I’m sure some nice folks will create a tutorial about this, we’ll link to the first person who makes a good one.

Should you choose to accept this mission, act fast, this needs to be done quickly! But again, always, always double check here to see if 3.1 has been released, if is has, then don’t do this.


IF YOU CARE ABOUT ULTRASN0W, BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS METHOD! Do not attempt this if you have downloaded the 3.1 beta. You do NOT WANT TO accidentally restore your device to 3.1 beta — you’ll lose ultrasn0w if you do! BE WARNED :-)”

Firmware 3.1 Beta Brings New Features But Breaks Unlock *UPDATED*

AppleApple has seeded firmware 3.1 to developers and there is already info coming out on the new features. Of course, they have updated the baseband so if you want to unlock, don’t upgrade. Also, If you want to jailbreak, don’t upgrade. There is speculation that if you upgrade, you may never be able to jailbreak again. Here’s info from the Dev Team and then a list of new features.

You’ve seen us give this warning before, and there are only so many ways to say it or come up with a clever title :) But here it is: ultrasn0w users must stay away from any firmware updates past 3.0 (including today’s 3.1 beta) until we release the tools that let you update the firmware without updating the baseband. For most phones out there, baseband updates are irreversible and you’ll lose ultrasn0w.

The 3.0 jailbreak was one of those (rare) times where both the jailbreak and the unlock coincided (the only other time was 2.2). It’s important that people realize that *most* firmware releases aren’t like that, and you need to take steps (via the tools) to separate the firmware update from its included baseband update.

This warning does not apply to the iPhone 2G, which uses BootNeuter for the unlock, not ultrasn0w.

[Read more…]

Info on the iPhone 3GS Jailbreak via the Dev-Team

devteam If you haven’t already heard, the Dev-Team has released some info about the iPhone 3GS jailbreak. It seems that it is “possible” but not likely to happen any time soon. Below is what the Dev-Team has to say: [Read more…]

iPhone 3GS Jailbreak & Unlock Possible via 24Kpwn Exploit

Dev TeamGreat news! It looks like the same exploit used to jailbreak the 2nd Gen iPod Touch will work on the the new iPhone 3GS. No date on when it will be released but now that we know it can be jailbroke it shouldn’t be too much longer. Here’s what the Dev Team has to say:

About 5 hours ago (Thursday evening, less than a week after the 3GS launch), we were able to verify that the 24Kpwn exploit that the hybrid team used on the iPod Touch 2G is still applicable to the bootrom of the iPhone 3GS. That means we can use the same sort of technique used by our current redsn0w tool to jailbreak and unlock the iPhone 3GS.

This is great news, but how did it happen? Why didn’t Apple fix this in their normal cat&mouse fashion? Well it seems this bootrom was cut in about the August 2008 timeframe, so the unintended early reveal of 24Kpwn earlier this year didn’t affect the iPhone 3GS.

You can read more at their website at

List of Jailbroke App Compatibility with 3.0 Firmware

##ICON_NAME## I’m sure some of you have already seen this but, BigBoss has started a nice little app compatiblity list. The list includes apps that are Not Working on the 3.0 firmware, apps that were recently updated and Working and apps that are Working. Below are a few things he has to say about the compatiblity of apps on the 3.0 firmware. [Read more…]

Jailbreak now Available for Windows and iPod Touch (2nd gen)

##ICON_NAME## It seems the Dev-Team has updated their website to include a Windows jailbreak and 2nd gen iPhone Touch jailbrealk. Both of these use a jailbreak called redsn0w (simular to QuickPwn). Go HERE for the downloads. However, they have also updated some of their info…their 8 points have changed slightly so make sure you read them again. [Read more…]