Jailbreak 3.0 on iPhone 3G, 1st Gen iPhone & 1st Gen iPod Touch – pwnagetool for Mac

DevTeamThe Dev Team has released the jailbreak for 3.0 firmware for the iPhone 3G, 1st Gen iPhone and 1st Gen iPod Touch. That means the iPhone 3GS and the 2nd Gen iPod Touch on firmware 3.0 is not jailbreakable at this time. You can download PwnageTool for Mac only at this time. QuickPwn for Mac and PC will be out later. Make sure if you’re unlocked on iPhone 3G to wait until Ultrasn0w is released. Here’s the notes from the Dev Team Website:

1. GOLDEN RULE: If you are using a 3G iPhone with yellowsn0w and rely on yellowsn0w to obtain cellular service, then you should NOT use PwnageTool right now. UltraSn0w is not included with this release and therefore your baseband will be locked and unable to use an operator other than the official one it was bought for. UltraSn0w will be release via APT (cydia and icy) soon. If you have an original iPhone (1st generation) then 3.0 unlock works with this PwnageTool release.

2. Yellowsn0w in its current form will NOT work with the baseband version that is present in the 3.0 update, you will need Ultrasn0w, which will be released sometime soon, Ultrasn0w will work with all iPhone 3G models (but not 3GS), even ones that were previously unlockable, Ultrasn0w (when available) will be released via APT (this means you can get it via Cydia or Icy).

3. Please read all parts of this post before downloading and using these tools.
4. Read items 1, 2 and 3 again and again.
5. At the bottom of this post are the bittorrent files for the 3.0 capable version of PwnageTool.
6. This app is suitable for the recent 3.0 release.
7. PwnageTool will NOT work for the iPhone 3GS.
8. PwnageTool WILL work for Original iPhone (1st Generation), Original iPod touch (1st Generation) and the iPhone 3G.

Firmware 3.0 Jailbreak Progress

##ICON_NAME## The Dev-Team has updated their blog with additional information about the progress of the 3.0 jailbreak. It seems they are having a few setbacks. [Read more…]

Firmware 3.0 Jailbreak and Unlock Specifics *Updated

3.0 Firmware Below is the basic information about how jailbreaking and unlocking will work on the 3.0 firmware for the 1st gen iPhone, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS.

Important Note: Upgrading to firmware 3.0 will break your current jailbreak and unlock (see below for more specific information). Also, many of the current jailbroke applications do not work on firmware 3.0. [Read more…]

Firmware 3.0 Jailbreak and Unlock Info

DevTeam It seems the DevTeam is gearing up for tomorrow’s release of firmware 3.0 and Friday’s release of the iPhone 3GS. According to their website, they will be doing a live demo of the 3.0 unlock, yellowsn0w, later tonight just before the release of the 3.0 firmware. In the demo you will see the new yellowsn0w and how the unlock works on all 3G iPhones. For a link to the feed you will need to check @MuscleNerd on Twitter.

Below is what the DevTeam has to say about the firmware 3.0 jailbreak: [Read more…]

Firmware 3.0 – No Jailbreak Yet, Hold Off On Upgrading

##ICON_NAME## BigBoss posted an article today stating that there is currently no jailbreak for firmware 3.0 (the real thing, not the betas). Yes, you can use the 3.0 b5 jailbreak tools but, it’s not advised. Below is what BigBoss has to say on the matter.

As for the rest of us who are not on firmware 3.0 yet, they will probably have it jailbroke before we even get it on June 17th. However, even if they do have it jailbroke by the release date, there is rumor that many of the jailbreak apps will not work on firmware 3.0. Doug says apps like WinterBoard, WeatherIcon, LiveClock, Cycorder do not work on firmware 3.0 b5. So, on June 17th, you might want to hold off on upgrading until we can figure out how everything works. We will keep you up-to-date. [Read more…]

Jailbreak Firmware 3.0 Beta 5

QuickPWNI’m really hoping that the new firmware is released in just a few days at the WWDC event. Until then, I’m going to jailbreak my iPhone again. I’m currently on the newest firmware, 3.0 Beta 5. QuickPWN is able to jailbreak it so, here we go: [Read more…]

Jailbreaking and Winterboard In The App Store

App StoreOne of our readers sent us this screenshot of an app called Dead Man’s Dungeon. You’ll notice in the description a warning about performance issues if you’re on a jailbroken iPhone suggesting WinterBoard as the problem. It’s interesting that Apple even allows them to use such terminology.

Here’s the quote from the app in the App Store. It was still there at the time of writing this article: [Read more…]

Jailbreak 3.0 Beta 2

quickpwnIf you’re looking to jailbreak your 3.0 firmware there is an option out there. It only works for PCs right now because it uses quickpwn. It also doesn’t install Cydia, but RipDev’s Icy. I’m gonna test it out and let you know how it goes. If anyone else has tried it, let us know. Here’s a quote from quickpwn.com:

You can only jailbreak on the iPhone 3.0 Beta 2, iPhone 3G 3.0 beta 2, and iPod Touch 1st Gen beta 3.0. It’s 3.2 MB only because it install’s RiPDev’s Icy program. Once you’ve jailbroken you need to open Icy, refresh all the sources and install OpenSSH to jailbreak.

[Read more…]


InstallerAppI was really hoping for an app that I would be able to use to backup my apps to my Mac so when firmware updates came about, I would just be able to update, jailbreak, and then sync. In fact, that is exactly what I can do. RipDev claims, “InstallerApp comes with free built-in Pusher — software that can install Installer.app on your iPhone without “jailbreaking” it, so you can use App Store and Installer simultaneously without putting your private data at risk.” We are going to get into this, but if you haven’t jailbroken your iPhone, are running OS X 10.5.6, or have a newer (2009) or unibody Mac, do not use this app!

Now a few things about this app that honestly, really bother me.
[Read more…]

3.0 Firmware is Jailbreakable (according to Dev Team)

Dev Team The Dev Team updated their blog recently to give us some information about unlocking and jailbreaking the 3.0 firmware. Below is what they have to say.

“With all of the great stuff lined up for us with the 3.0 OS that Apple described today, many 3G owners may find themselves with itchy update fingers. If you find yourself with access to the 3G IPSW for 3.0 via the iPhone Dev Center program, and you are using yellowsn0w, do not update or restore to that official IPSW. You will lose yellowsn0w and find yourself unable to revert the baseband to get it back.

And for those wondering, yes the 3.0 OS is jailbreakable on all devices. It’s just those using 3G yellowsn0w that have to show some restraint and wait for PwnageTool to create a custom IPSW that avoids the baseband update.”

QuickFreedom – iPod Touch 2nd Generation Untethered Jailbreak Tutorial

Ok, so we’ve been busy for a few days but we’re home from the hospital and I just received a tweet that a friend of a friend just jailbroke his iPod Touch 2nd Gen using this guide without tethering! How sweet is that! So props goes to @sethreineke for sending me the tweet and @ericjd for testing it out. I’ve also checked online and haven’t found any risk or problems with this app. This guide only works with windows. Let us know if you have a Mac solution.

NOTE: Untethered means you do not have to have the cable hooked to your iPod and computer. The previous test versions required this but is no longer needed!

Application Link
Guide Link


Cydia Store Launching “Tonight”

CydiaAccording to a recent tweet from @Saurik, “Tonight (late) a new Cydia will come out with one package “for sale” (more over the next week): more details will be in Cydia.” This is also confirmed in an article from the Wall Street Journal that talks about the drama of Apple trying to call jailbreaking the iPhone illegal. I personally do not think it’s illegal to jailbreak the iPhone. The iPhone is a computer running OS X. Just like my iMac, I can install whatever I want on it. [Read more…]

New Poll – Do you think it should be illegal to jailbreak your iPhone or iPod Touch?

AiS Time for a new poll. The last poll was – Were you disappointed by the lack of iPhone and iPod Touch news during the Macworld 2009 Keynote? Below are the results.

* Yes – Where is the iPhone Nano!! (41.0%, 628 Votes)
* No – I expected it all along. (22.0%, 330 Votes)
* What’s Macworld? (10.0%, 147 Votes)
* I miss Steve Jobs! (27.0%, 416 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,521

You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Below is the new poll.

Of course, we personally think it should be legal to jailbreak your iPhone or iPod Touch based on the fact that they are computers running a modified version of OS X. You are able to install third party apps (non Apple approved) on your computer so, why not your iPhone. We would love to hear your opinion about this in the comments! :)

Do you think it should be illegal to jailbreak your iPhone or iPod Touch?

View Results

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Saurik’s Letter to the US Copyright Office

AppleAs many of you already know, Apple is trying to making jailbreaking your iPhone and/or iPod Touch illegal. Well, we ran across this letter that saurik (the developer of Cydia) wrote and submitted to the copyright office. Below is letter in it’s entirety.

[Read more…]

Updated Sources Page

AiS I spent the afternoon updating our Sources page with all of the current sources available for install via Cydia and ones that can be added manually. I updated the Language Sources section as well. Sourcea with an * indicate sources that can be added through the More Package Sources section in Cydia. Sources without an * will need to be added manually. For more info on adding sources to Cydia (both manually and through Cydia)…check out THIS guide.

Doug updated the Jailbreak, Unlock and Firmware pages as well.

Check them out!