Archives for March 2008

Millionaire 0.6

Millionaire The Millionaire app has been in the Installer for a day or so through the iSpazio source but, we haven’t done a post on it because it is in a different language! But, the app looks really really cool and I couldn’t handle waiting! So, I went out searching…figured someone our there probably hacked it and I was right! ak406 from ModMyiFone translated some of the questions into English and changed the db file (domande.db file)! First, I will tell you how the game works then, I will give you info on how to install the English questions. [Read more…]

New Poll

YAY! A new poll is here! Our last poll was – Will you Jailbreak your iPhone when firmware 2.0 and the App Store are released? Here were the results after four days:

I will upgrade to 2.0 but WILL NOT Jailbreak (4%, 43 Votes)
I will upgrade to 2.0 and WILL Jailbreak (52%, 567 Votes)
I will not upgrade to 2.0 (1%, 10 Votes)
I’m going to wait and see what happens! (43%, 461 Votes)
Total Voters: 1081

I must say that I am among the 52% that are going to both upgrade and jailbreak! If you would still like to vote on this poll or see the results for all the polls…check out our Poll Archive. Now, for the new poll!
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Ringtones 2.71

Ringtones I really like this app and when I saw the new features that version 2.71 of Ringtones brought with it…I was like, this app just went from sweet to STINKIN SWEET!! Some of the new features include; setting SMS tones, using the microphone to record your own ringtones and SMS tones, fading in and out the ringtones/SMS tones you have created, converting the tones you create which then gives you a preview of what it will sounds like so you can choose to keep it or redo it and a section that lists all the tones you have created so that you can easily delete them. [Read more…]

Cracks 1.2

Cracks Cracks is a screen cracking simulation for your iPod/iPhone made by iamcanaian. The point of this application is to scare someone into thinking that they broke the device. Trust me it works! :-) When you launch the application, it will show a screen shot of a 1.1.3/1.1.4 springboard (it even has a few extra pages). Tap on the screen and BOOM!, your iPod/iPhone will look like the screen got cracked really really badly. Then if you tap on it again the screen will start to flicker insanely. According to installer [Read more…]


Genesis4iphoneAmazing! Another gaming console brought to the iPhone, and from the bit I’ve played so far, it runs very smooth! You will not notice much diffrence from in the game select screen, or the settings, its all the same basically. The landscape made does show the original Sega controller. Some ROMs require a bios to be installed, some don’t. Remember legally, you need to own the game to have the rights to use it on your iPhone, /endfairwarning. :) [Read more…]

iBirthday 2.1.2

iBirthday I’m totally stoked about version 2.1.2 of iBirthday!!! The app finally works!!! I’m sooooo exited! I updated to 2.1.2 thinking that I would maybe see some visual changes (there are none) and not really expecting the app to work again. I went in and changed my birthday to today…then went into the settings in the app and change it to notify me on the day of the birthday and like two minutes later so I had time to respring my iPhone. So, after I set the settings I used Restart to respring my SpringBoard and I waited…thinking I wouldn’t see anything…well, I was taken aback when [Read more…]

Aqwoah Keyboard, Calculator, Icons, Dialer, and More

I love, love, love this keyboard. There hasn’t been much that I have been willing to pay for but again, this was something worth it. The design is very well done and the developer allows you to donate to get it instead of setting a predetermined price. I like that approach. When you donate you get a private source. Once you add the source you will see a list of additional sources in your installer, each source is for your specific firmware. I chose 1.1.4. This gives me a list of all the addons available for my firmware from alohasoft. The dialer is also very nice. You can see screenshots below [Read more…]

ThemeBuilder 1.0a

ThemeBuilder ThemeBuilder is the first native Summerboard Theme Builder & Editor. Ok, I stole that first sentence from their welcome screen, but it’s so true! The kewl thing is it’s both a builder and an editor. As soon as I installed the app I was able to go in and see my current themes and edit them. It doesn’t come with any icons, wallpapers, etc but you can install the TB Demo Image Pack from installer. Or you just fill up the database with docks, icons, status bars and wallpaper and off you go, creating your own custom themes. This is great for when new apps come out. You don’t have to wait for an update from a theme or SSH in and change the icon. You can do all the changing right from the iPhone. You can also start from scratch and build your own theme. [Read more…]

SwirlyMMS 0.3.8

SwirlyMMS Many of you will be happy to see version 0.3.8 for SwirlyMMS. There are no visual changes but, after the last release I know we had a few comments from people saying that the app didn’t work (could not send or receive Multi-Media texts) after updating to the previous version. Hopefully this version fixes those issues. Let me know in the comments! SwirlyMMS is available through the Swirlyspace source. This app is also available through the Ste Packaging source however, [Read more…]

PocketTouch 1.2

PocketTouch Version 1.2 of PocketTouch makes a few subtle but sleek changes. When playing a song…the Title of the song is now bolder…making it much easier to read and the Now Playing is smaller. Also, the Settings Menu is now black instead of grey and had a few font changes…a much cleaner look, I like it. Other than that…the app still works the same! PocketTouch is avialble through the iPod Touch Fans source.
PocketTouch 1.2 PocketTouch 1.2 PocketTouch 1.2

iPac3D 0.0.31

iPac3D iPac3D is a game based off of Pac-Man created by Marco Giorgini. This game is fully 3D and is based of the Yeti3D engine. The player is Pac-Man in a first person view rooming around in a labyrinth. The object is to collect all the purple cubes without being killed by a human. If you collect a certain type of cube, you will be able to kill the humans for a short amount of time. There are 15 levels in iPac3D. The game works at full speed in both portrait and landscape mode. The AI (the intelligence) of the enemy can be very bad. Sometimes they run into walls and just stay there! The controls work well because there are a good number of options but, I defiantly recommend using the accelerometer. [Read more…]

IMGSaver 1.1

IMGSaver IMGSaver is an image saving tool made by iSpazo. IMGSaver allows you to save specific images from the internet into your camera roll. It works both on the iPhone and iPod Touch. If you have an iPod Touch you need to install TouchRoll. It is very easy to use once you learn the procedure. IMGSaver is a great application but it requires a good amount of steps. I found it useful for saving wallpaper, or just random pictures on the internet that I liked. Trust me, you will understand how to use it, and truly what it does once you have tried it :). [Read more…]

Yeti3D 0.0.25

Yeti3D is a game similar to Doom. Yeti3D is a full 3D first-person shooter game. The main point of the game is to kill all the enemies with your gun that shoots white orbs. There is only one level, so once you kill everything that is it. You have a limited amount of ammo and health. If you lose all of your health it is “game over”. There are cubes that give you more ammo and more health. Yeti3D can run in portrait or landscape mode, and it has a number of different control schemes. Though, I cannot recommend this game. [Read more…]

Live Scores 1.00

Live Scores Live Scores is an app that gives you live scores for games that are in progress. So far, the app includes; Soccer, Tennis, Baseball, Hockey, Basketball and Football (NFL). To get the scores of the games…just tap on the sport you want. It will then download the recent scores…once it is done downloading the scores, tap Close. This will bring you to a list of all the Basketball games and scores….it includes different countries. For example, Basketball has scores for France: LNB, Italy: LEGA A, USA: NBA and USA: MCAA I-A Play Offs. It displays what time the games started or starts, the teams playing and the score. In the upper corner [Read more…]

Respring 1.0

Respring Respring is similar to KillBoard, Restart and the other Respring…it restarts your SpringBoard with one tap. The cool thing about this one though, is that on firmware 1.1.3 and higher it will restart your SpringBoard without locking it! Though, it works to restart your SpringBoard on any firmware. This Respring (which I am calling RespringBB on our site) is available through the BigBoss source.

Note: You can only have one of the apps titled Respring Installed because they will write over the top of each other.
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