Dev-Team Releases New Version of redsn0w

The Dev-Team has updated redsn0w to version 0.9.6beta5 for unlockers. Below is all the info.

Update #2: The new redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 is out. It gives both Windows and OSX users the ability to flash the iPad 06.15 baseband on iPhone3G or iPhone3GS. It fetches the baseband files directly from Apple for now (the only IPSW you ever point it at is the stock IPSW for the FW on your iPhone right now). There may be a long delay while it’s doing this (their servers are currently getting pounded).

* OSX (SHA1 a322ec2c9e91993eca21abaf2e655bb44de3d7d4)
* Windows (SHA1 7250416e17c3aea9838cdfc73712b38b025e2ed0)

If you do flash your baseband via redsn0w, please keep it plugged into USB the whole time. You don’t want your battery to die during the flash process!

Dev-Team’s full post.

Pull To Refresh For Mail – A “Must-Have” Hack

Pull To Refresh For Mail is a super simple, totally ingenious hack. Like seriously… why doesn’t my iPhone already do this! As the title suggests, this hack adds the ability to “pull to refresh” in the stock Mail application. To use the hack you just pull your inbox list down past the search bar and your mail will automatically refresh. The app is activated automatically when you install it in Cydia. There is no icon or settings for this hack. To deactivate the hack, you would need to uninstall is in Cydia (or use SBSettings Mobile Substrate Addon feature)… but seriously why would you need to deactivate it! I had no issues when I tested the app and it has officially been added to my “must-have” list. The best part is that it’s free! You can get Pull To Refresh For Mail via the BigBoss source.
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Simplified Directions for the iOS 4.2.1 ultrasn0w Unlock (Updated)

The Dev-Team has updated their blog post about the ultrasn0w unlock for iOS 4.2.1 with simplified directions. Below is the simple version of the unlock process.

1. Read and fully understand the warning below.
2. If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and are already unlockable but want to get to 4.2.1, please wait til we release an “unofficial” bundle for you. Read no further.
3. Read update #1 for an updated 3GS bundle.
4. Download this IPSW
5. Run PwnageTool to create a custom 4.1 IPSW. Tell it you want to use the iPad baseband you just downloaded. Restore to this custom IPSW.
6. Install ultrasn0w through Cydia
7. Enjoy!
8. If you don’t have a Mac, redsn0w will be released within a few hours to handle this.

Below is the full post from the Dev-Team’s blog… you will want to read it before using ultrasn0w.
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Dev-Team Releases iOS 4.2.1 Unlock for iPhone 3G/3GS

The Dev-Team has released the much anticipated update to the unltrasn0w unlock that unlocks iOS 4.2.1 on the iPhone 3G and 3GS. Below is what they have to say… make sure you read it thoroughly.

Today we’re pleased to announce our free carrier unlock for iPhone3G/3GS owners with a baseband later than 05.13.04. The unlock for that baseband exploited the AT+XAPP command, thanks to a crash initially discovered by @sherif_hashim (@Oranav also found this crash). So what hole are we exploiting today, since Apple closed that AT+XAPP hole? Well, we’re exploiting the exact same hole!
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LockInfo Update – Fixes Crashing Problem

LockInfo has received a quick update to version The update will hopefully fix the issue that some people were having with their device locking up when using version of LockInfo on iOS 4.2.1. I can’t test the fix since I’m not on 4.2.1 but, if you give it a shot, let us know in the comments if the update worked for you. I also want to thank David Ashman (the developer of LockInfo) for once again quickly updating his app… good job David! :) Changelog:
Fixes freezing and crashing issues on some iDevices
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No Page Dots – Easily Remove Page Dots

No Page Dots is a very simple mod that completely removes the page dots at the bottom of the SpringBoard page. Once you install the app, it automatically removes the page dots… it does not add it into WinterBoard, add an icon to the SpringBoard or have any settings. The page dots stay removed even if you change your theme. To get the page dots back, just uninstall the app in Cydia. I didn’t have any issue when I was testing this mod. I was able to install and uninstall it without a problem! I think there are a few mods like this in Cydia but, this is the first one I have actually reviewed and it worked great. You can get No Page Dots via the BigBoss source.
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ultrasn0w Unlock Fully Working on 4.2.1 – Q & A

Earlier this morning, Musclenerd tweeted that ultrasn0w was finally fully working on iOS 4.2.1. He then answered a few questions about the unlock… below are a few of the details and some of the Q & A.

    • The update will still not include the iPhone 4
    • It will cover the 4.2.1, 3G/3GS iPhones, baseband (05.15.04)
    • The best config for unlockers will be: old-bootrom 3GS, FW 4.2.1, untethered redsn0w JB, ultrasn0wed
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LockInfo Update – iOS 4.2.1 Compatibility, Improvements and Bug Fixes

LockInfo, a feature-packed lock screen mod, was updated to version It is a pretty decent update that includes compatibility with iOS 4.2.1, improvements and few bug fixes (full changelog below). I like the improvements to the Mail app. I especially like that, since you are now able to click on links in mail messages on the lock screen, it asks for your password before opening them… good security. Sometime that gets over-looked. I also noticed that the app’s price is $7.99 instead of the previous $4.99. Because I had already purchased the app… I’m not sure if the price change occurred with this update or if it had already gone up. Anyway, LockInfo was updated and will now work with 4.2.1! YAY!… since it is one of my favorite lock screen mods!
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SlingPlayer Mobile for iPad Hits App Store

SlingPlayer Mobile, an application that allows the ability to connect and stream to your device from your Slingbox, is now available for the iPad. The iPad version of the application is $29.99 (which is the same as the iPhone version) and is available for download in the App Store. Check out the full app description and screenshots below.
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Infinifolders, Add Unlimited Apps to Folders, Updated

Infinifolders, one of my absolute “must-have” hacks that allows the ability to add unlimited apps into a folder, has been updated to version 1.3-1. There isn’t an official change log but I’m guessing it has to do with compatibility for iOS 4.2.1 or maybe it adds the much awaited iPad support (which I can’t test because Doug has taken the iPad hostage!)! If you haven’t checked out this app yet… it’s worth a look and worth the $1.99 price tag. You can get Infinifolders via the BigBoss source.
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What a “Tethered” Jailbreak Means for iOS 4.2.1

As I mentioned yesterday, the current redsn0w jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 is currently still a tethered jailbreak for some devices. The Dev-Team has updated their recent post on jailbreaking iOS 4.2.1 with a definition of what a tethered jailbreak means. A great idea! Since most people are a little confused about what exactly a tethered jailbreak is. Below is the definition via the Dev-Team.
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SBSettings Updated to Version 4.2.1 – Fix for 4.2.1 Firmware

SBSettings, an application that allows you to quickly toggle settings on your device, has been updated to version 3.2.1. The update contains three bug fixes including a fix for the 4.2.1 firmware. Check out the full change log below. You can get SBSettings via the BigBoss source.
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Change the Font Color and Style for LockInfo

Lockinfo White Text is a mod that changes the font color and style for LockInfo (a feature-packed lock screen mod). Normally, on LockInfo, the title font is white and the rest of the text is gray. This mod changes all the text to white and italicizes the title font to help differentiate between the title and the rest of the text. This mod would come in handy if you have a lock screen background that makes it difficult to read the gray text. Overall the mod worked exactly how I expected it to. I was able to activate and deactivate it without a problem.

The mod can be activated/deactivated using WinterBoard and is available via the BigBoss source. Check out the screenshots below.
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iPhone 4 Commercial – Longer [Video]

Apple has released a new ad for the iPhone 4. The commercial “Longer” boasts the iPhone 4’s lithium polymer battery which allows you to, “work longer, play longer, laugh longer, listen longer, shoot, edit, share, update, download, read, write and even FaceTime longer.”

Check out the video below.
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No Badges – Remove Home Screen Badges

No Badges is a simple hack that removes the badges from the icons on your device’s homescreen. The hack is super simple… once you install it via Cydia and respring your springboard… you will no longer have badges. There are no setting for the app and it will not put an icon on your springboard. It just does the mod automatically when the app is installed. To get your badges back, just go into Cydia and remove the app. No Badges worked perfectly when I tested both installing and removing it. A nice little hack if it is what you are looking for. Personally, I would love to see the app have a few options such as the ability to turn off badges for specific applications (like the Mail app!) and leave badges on other apps. You can get No Badges via the BigBoss source.
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