iAwesome – WinterBoard Theme

iAwesome is a WinterBoard theme that contains 304 redesigned icons (though all icons are modded… more to come on that), wallpaper, status bar, lock screen wallpaper, lock screen battery, badges, pop-ups and quite a few UI mods. The nice thing about this theme is that it contains an icon overlay which means that all icons are modded… not just icons that have been designed for the theme. If you go into the App Store, you will see that even the icons in the AppStore are modded with the overlay.
That is good news for those of you who like this theme because it means all the icons are your device will be modded… which is a rare occurrence. Check out the screenshots below.

You can get the iAwesome them via the BigBoss source.
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WiCarrier – Change Carrier in Status Bar to WiFi Network Name

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WiCarrier WiCarrier is a pretty cool little hack that changes the carrier name on your status bar to display the WiFi network name when connected to WiFi. For example, our WiFi network at home is ahhyeah. So, when I am connected to our home WiFi, instead of saying AT&T on the status bar it says ahhyeah. Another cool little feature of the hack is that you can tap the WiFi network and it will display your local IP address. When you are no longer connected to WiFi, it will go back to displaying your carrier name.

This hack works in fine if your carrier name has been changed using MakeItMine (or similar). When you are no longer connected to WiFi, it will switch back to your modded carrier name.
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Instructions and Video Demo of Spirit Jailbreak for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

SpiritThe Spirit jailbreak is a very quick and easy jailbreak. It can jailbreak all devices including all versions of the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad. It can jailbreak devices on firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.2. This is not an unlock, so do not use this jailbreak if you want to keep your iPhone unlocked. Below are step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on how to use the jailbreak.

NOTE: The first time we tested the Spirit jailbreak, it was with a device that was restored from a backup and we got the SWOD. However, when we tested the jailbreak again using a device with a clean restore (not from a backup) it worked perfectly.
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SBSetting 3.0.9 – Rotation, iPad Integration & New Features

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## Yesterday, SBSettings was updated to version 3.0.9-11 and released in BigBoss’s main source. Below is a full change log for the update but, a few of the major changes include rotation, better iPad integration and a few new options.

I was pretty stoked when I heard about the new rotation feature however, it was mostly created for iPad users. When your iPhone or iPod touch is in landscape mode and you swipe to launch SBSetting, it hangs off all weird. You are still able to use the toggles however, you are unable to get to the other options such as More, Refresh, Dock, Respring and Power. BigBoss has said that he does not plan to fix this issue due to the fact that it was basically created for iPad users. However, it can be disabled.
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Matte Battery 2.0 – Lock Screen Battery Mod

Matte Battery is a lock screen battery mod that changes the battery displayed while charging your iPhone or iPod touch from glossy to matte. The colors are still the same as the stock lock screen battery… green and red. I have seen this lock screen battery used in a few themes however, this gives you the ability to use the battery with any theme. I am currently using it with the Smoog theme.
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Tab+ – Increase the Number of Tabs Allowed in Safari on iPhone, iPod touch & iPad

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## Tab+ is a nice little hack that allows you to have more than eight tabs open at a time in Safari on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad (allows iPad to have more than nine tabs open at a time). There is not much to this one… just install the application via Cydia, respring your device, open Safari and voilà… you can have more than eight tabs at a time.
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Google Updates Mobile Search Page

##ICON_NAME## Google has updated their mobile (and desktop) search to incorporate a few more features. Now, when searching via Google on your device, you will notice a little arrow icon to the left of the search bar. When selected, you are given additional search options allowing you the ability to narrow down your search. These includes; the ability to view only News, Updates or Products for your search results as well as the option to view search results by time (Latest, Past 24 hours, Past week, Past year or Specific date range).

There is also an option to switch between ‘Standard Results’ and results that include ‘Images from the Page’. If you switch to the ‘Images from the Page’ option, the page will load displaying images contained within each search results. However, if you tap on an image, it will bring you to that webpage… it does not display the image larger.
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Spirit Jailbreak Now Available for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

Spirit The Spirit jailbreak has been released. It is an untethered jailbreak for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. The jailbreak is available for both the PC and Mac. Below is some basic info about the jailbreak. For more information and the download links, check out Spirit’s website.
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Save iPhone 3GS, 3rd Gen iPod touch or iPad SHSH Using Windows

AutoSHSHWhen Apple releases a new firmware they don’t like people using older firmware. Sometimes jailbreaking new firmware takes a while and if you ever need to restore to your older firmware it won’t work unless you have your SHSH info. This only applies to the iPhone 3GS, 3rd Gen iPod touch and iPad because they all have a ECID in them which stands for “Exclusive Chip ID”. So, to restore to an older firmware you need the SHSH info for that info and for your device. To backup this info from your device there is a sweet little program called AutoSHSH. This is a Windows only program.

Once downloaded just follow these easy steps:
1. Open iTunes
2. Connect your device to the computer via USB

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Craigsphone Update – New Features & Improved UI

Available In: App Store       Price: $4.99  

Craigsphone I have to admit… I have recently become a slight craigslist addict and Craigsphone is my app of choice. Yesterday, the app received an update. The update is a vast improvement over the previous version. Where things used to look messy and thrown together they now look sleek and clean… even the icon has a new look!
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High Tech (USSR, Rave-Up, Clover & Negative Cells) – WinterBoard Theme

High Tech is a WinterBoard theme that is available in four colors; USSR (red), Rave-Up (blue), Clover (green) and Negative Cells (orange). All four themes contain the same mods (just in the different colors); 72 icons, 5 wallpapers, dock, loading screens, lock screen battery, badges, weather app mod, phone app mod and quite a few other UI mods.

The themes also contain UI sounds. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of UI sounds. If you are like me and would rather not have them, you can ssh (or use the iFile app right on your device) and locate the Library/Themes/the name of the theme you are using (ex. High Tech USSR.theme) and delete the UISounds folder. If you don’t want to delete the folder, you can just rename it to something else.
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ScreenRecorderDemo – Free Version of ScreenRecorder

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## For those of you who may have missed the full release of ScreenRecorder, it is a simple application that captures video of your device’s screen. ScreenRecorderDemo is actually a free, demo version of the same application. The demo version does have a few restrictions including; it will only record for 30 seconds, you are not able to email saved video files and it is ad supported. However, it is nice for those of you who would like to try it out before committing to the $1.99 price tag for the full version.

The app has been through a few changes since the first time we reviewed it so I will give you a quick overview.
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Bliss – WinterBoard Theme

Bliss is a WinterBoard theme that contains 100 icons, wallpaper, sliders, badges, dock, lock screen battery and a few other UI mods. The thing I like about this theme is it’s subtleness. The icons are simple, clean and easy to look at. The other UI mods are subtle but enough of a change to feel like your device has been modded. [Read more…]

Today ToDo Pro – Unique ToDo Application

Available In: App Store       Price: $3.99  

Today ToDo Pro Doug recorded this review a couple days ago (I’m sure why he didn’t post it… probably because of the light in the background that I forgot to turn off!). Either way, I really like Today ToDo Pro so I thought I would pass it along. I am constantly on the quest for the perfect todo app and this one really sticks out among the rest. The interface is simple and very unique, it has the features I’m looking for in a todo app and it is well designed. Check out Doug’s video review below.

Today ToDo Pro
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