iOS 4.1 Breaks Jailbreak and Unlock – via Dev-Team

Dev-Team Like most firmware updates… iOS 4.1 breaks the current jailbreak and unlock. This is especially true for unlockers due to the fact there there is no way to revert your baseband. I’m sure the guys over at the Dev-Team are working on updating the jailbreak. We will keep you informed on how they are doing. Below is what the Dev-Team has to say about upgrading to iOS 4.1.
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iOS 4.1 Now Available

iOS 4.1 It seems that iOS 4.1 has indeed been released today as speculated. Below is the change log for the new iOS. Some of the major features of the firmware include; Game Center, HDR Photography, iTunes TV show rentals and a bug fix for the iPhone 4 proximity sensor (which we know many will appreciate… including Doug’s grandpa!).
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List of Applications Compatible with Jailbreak

CydiaHere is a list of apps that have been either confirmed or denied working with the new iPhone 4, iOS firmwares and jailbreak. This is info gathered by the community so if it conflicts with your device, please let us know.
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Easy Jailbreak Coming Soon For iPhone 4 & All Devices

Dev TeamThe dev team has been tweeting lots of good news lately. What does all of this mean? It pretty much means the jailbreak is figured out and now they are making a simple little program for all of us to run to get it done. Once it’s out we’ll let you know. I still plan on jailbreaking my iPhone 4. Mostly to get rid of the pop ups from text messages. And I love the weather in my status bar.

@MuscleNerd has posted the following tweets:

@xfsasx jailbreak for all devices at 4.0 is already handled by upcoming @comex release :) so, good time for iphone4 unlock stuff

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GeoHot Has Another Jailbreak Ready

GeoHot was recently doing a presentation at a conference and talked all about the iPhone exploits. Be ready, he goes into some great detail about it but here’s the key phrase:

“There is also, I hinted to this a couple times, an unreleased exploit in every iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in the bootrom to get code execution. And you know if I ever do another jailbreak, that’s the exploit I have. If you’ve seen I posted like a picture of 4.0 jailbroken. I posted my iPad jailbroken. All before Spirit was released. And I used like a completely different set of exploits which maybe when iPhone 4 comes out will be out.”

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Instructions and Video Demo of Spirit Jailbreak for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

SpiritThe Spirit jailbreak is a very quick and easy jailbreak. It can jailbreak all devices including all versions of the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad. It can jailbreak devices on firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.2. This is not an unlock, so do not use this jailbreak if you want to keep your iPhone unlocked. Below are step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on how to use the jailbreak.

NOTE: The first time we tested the Spirit jailbreak, it was with a device that was restored from a backup and we got the SWOD. However, when we tested the jailbreak again using a device with a clean restore (not from a backup) it worked perfectly.
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iPad Jailbreak Application Compatibilty List

##ICON_NAME## MuscleNerd recently tweeted that there is an official iPad Jailbreak Compatibility List and that anyone can contribute to the list. It is a basically a Google spreadsheet of jailbroken apps and whether or not they are working, working with problems or unusable on the iPad. There is also a place for the tester to add notes and comments about how the app is running. A great resource for those with jailbroke iPads.

Be sure to read the instructions if you decide to contribute to the list.

You can find the iPad Jailbreak Compatibility List HERE.
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Spirit Jailbreak Now Available for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

Spirit The Spirit jailbreak has been released. It is an untethered jailbreak for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. The jailbreak is available for both the PC and Mac. Below is some basic info about the jailbreak. For more information and the download links, check out Spirit’s website.
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Dev-Team Releases Developer Jailbreak for 4.0 Firmware

##ICON_NAME## We have known for a week or so that the 4.0 firmware is jailbreakable however, the Dev-Team has now released a beta of the jailbreak. This jailbreak is specifically for “developers of jailbroken apps.” Like all jailbreaks, it has restrictions. Below is some info from the Dev-Team.
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iPhone Firmware 4.0 Beta 1 Jailbroken

DevTeamNow don’t get too excited here, this is just a jailbreak for a beta firmware. It also only has a 58% success restore rate. This isn’t technically even a jailbreak to the 4.0 firmware but an controlled upgrade to 4.0 from a 3.x firmware. But, here it is in video format:

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I Miss My Jailbroken iPhone

AISI’ve upgraded to the new 4.0 firmware and there are some sweet new features. I’ve have a lot of apps because we test so many so the new folders feature is great. It would be nice if you could select one of your app icons in the folder as the main folder icon. Otherwise everyone’s iPhones will just look like a bunch of folders.


Ok, so not all of my apps will be in folders, but it’s still not real pretty. With categories I could pick my own icon. And I could put more than 12 apps in a folder. The way the folders open and work is really kewl, but there are still limits. It is definitely easier to create and edit what’s in a folder in 4.0 than it is in categories. It opens faster and looks better too. [Read more…]

iPad Jailbroken!

Dev TeamWe heard that it probably wouldn’t take long for the iPad to be jailbroken and it’s true. A few devs have been at work since they picked up or received their iPads and it seems they are into the file system. Here are some tweets and a video from the devs on their progress:

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Untethered Jailbreak Preview for iPod Touch, 3GS & Maybe iPad

GeoHotGeoHot has done it again. In the video below, GeoHot shows an untethered iPod touch with a background image on the homescreen. He also holds down the home button to activate voice command to show that it’s newer firmware. Next he reboots the device showing that the jailbreak remains. Since he says on his blog that it will “probably” work on the iPad too, he will probably wait to release it when the iPad comes out so Apple can’t make a fix for it before it’s released.

The jailbreak is all software based, and is as simple to use as blackra1n. It is completely untethered, works on all current tethered models(ipt2, 3gs, ipt3), and will probably work on iPad too.

Don’t ask about a release date. You won’t make it happen any sooner.


Friday Night Movie Night: Flashback

##ICON_NAME## While Doug was researching a few things for the previous Friday Night Movie Night Video about Vertical Scrolling, he found the following video. I’m not sure how many of you remember this but, AppSnapp was a jailbreak from way back in the day. I had forgotten how crazy it was to fake activate and jailbreak an iPhone!

Jailbreak Firmware 3.1.3 With PwnageTool 3.1.5 for Mac OS X

##ICON_NAME## Just in case you missed it, last week the Dev-Team released a jailbreak for firmware 3.1.3. Like every time a new firmware update/jailbreak is released, be sure you read all the info on the Dev-Team’s page before upgrading. There really is no huge reason to upgrade to firmware 3.1.3 it was basically just bug fixes but, if you must, check out the info below. [Read more…]