Reflective Dock Update – Adds Setting Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Reflective Dock The Reflective Dock mod is a mod that allows the icons on your dock to have reflections. Well, it seems that Mr. David Ashman has updated the mod adding all sorts of new settings.


Once installed, you can now go into your stock Settings application and you will see a Reflective Dock option. Here you are able to Enable/Disable the application (no more need for WinterBoard), turn on/off the Reflect All Icons option, turn on/off the Use Gradient options and adjust the Opacity, Reflection Gap, Reflection Length Factor and the Horizontal Shift.

reflectivedock1732 reflectivedock1733 reflectivedock1734

I’m going to briefly describe what each option does. The Reflect All Icons option, when turned on, will reflect all icons on your SpringBoard and not just the icons in your dock. [Read more…]

Silent Mail Sound – Turn Your Mail Sound Notification into a Vibrate Notification

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Silent Mail Sound Silent Mail Sound is a mod that will turn off your mail notification sound but, will still have your device vibrate when you receive a new email. I’m not really sure why you would need this mod. I guess if you do not want to put your entire iPhone into vibrate mode but, you still want to know when you receive an email without the sound notification…then you might use this mod!

When you install Silent Mail Sound, it is added to WinterBoard where it is then activated/deactivated. In order for the mod to work, your New Mail sound notification (located in your Setting application under Sounds, New Mail) must be turned on. However, once you activate the Silent Mail Sound mod in WinterBoard, it will automatically disable the sound and replace it with vibrate. If you have the New Mail sound notification turned off in your stock Settings application, the Silent Mail Sound mod will not work. [Read more…]

Tricker ThreeG – Use SlingPlayer Mobile on 3G

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Tricker ThreeG Tricker ThreeG is a mod that allows the SlingPlayer Mobile application (available via the App Store for $29.99) to work on not only WiFi but also on 3G. It is not very often that I write about an application/mod/hack that I cannot test but, I know that allowing SlingPlayer Mobile to work on 3G is something a lot of people want. If you you own a SB, have purchased the SlingPlay Mobile application and have installed this hack…let us know how it is working for you! It would be pretty sweet if it actually works. The Tricker ThreeG apps also says that it works with Skype and Fring. You can get it via the modmyi source.


Shadow Keys – Change Your Keyboard Key Highlights

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Shadow Keys Shadow Keys is a mod that changes the color of the pop-up keys on the keyboard when you select them. This particular mod changes the it from the stock white to a gray shadow. I personally use a pink key highlights! You can get Shadow Keys via the modmyi source. You activate/deactivate the mod via WinterBoard.

Check out a few more key highlights HERE and HERE. [Read more…]

StatusBar Dots – Move Page Dots to Your Status Bar

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

StatucBar Dots StatusBar Dots is a mod that moves your page dots to your status bar. So, instead of having the dots below your forth row (or fifth if you are using the FiveIrows mod) they are on your status bar. In order to have the page dots on your status bar, the app moves your time over to the far right on your status bar (similar to the RightClock mod).

If you do not have any sort of status bar notifications, this mod should work well for you. However, if you do have status bar notifications, it will push all your notification over to the right and they will overlap on top of each other. You also cannot see the ninth page indicator dot if you have notifications on your status bar. [Read more…]

QuickLock – SpringBoard One Tap Lock Option

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

QuickLock QuickLock is an application that allows you to lock you iPhone or iPod Touch with one tap on your SpringBoard. When you install QuickLock, it will add an icon to your SpringBoard. When you tap on the icon your device will go into lock mode. I was surprised at how quickly it locked my iPhone. I was expecting some sort of delay when I taped the icon but, it immediately locked my device. [Read more…]

65 Wallpapers

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

65 Wallpapers 65wallpapers17 65 Wallpapers is a pack of, you guessed it, 65 wallpapers! The pack includes space, nature, abstract and cartoon style wallpapers. I found all of the wallpapers to be of nice quality….there are even a few that I am going to use! If you are looking for a new lock screen background, the perfect wallpaper for a specific theme or even just a new wallpaper (I use clear icons so, changing my wallpaper is like having a whole new theme!)…you might want to check these out. Below are screenshots of all 65 wallpapers. Also, when you install this wallpaper pack, the wallpapers are added to your stock Settings application under Wallpapers. Another thing to note is that this is 65 wallpaper so, the file size is pretty large and could take a little longer to install. You can get this wallpaper pack through the Touch-Mania source. [Read more…]

Customize 2.2.1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

CustomizeWell I thought this was going to be big news. And, it’s a start… If you remember Customize you know what I’m talking about. But for those of you who don’t, here’s a little info. Customize lets you change all kinds of things on your iPhone or iPod Touch: sounds, system strings (like the Slide to Unlock text), icons, wallpaper, etc. There’s also a huge theme database within the app. It’s all very nice but tonight, it’s just not working for us. Very buggy, crashing our iPhones, not keeping changes, etc. We’ll keep testing it and watching for updates but I’d wait on this one for now.

Their site is also back up and running where you can upload your own themes from your computer that will show up in the list right on the app. Here’s a quote from the front page of their site:

Customize 2.2.1 (compatible with iPhone 2.2.1 firmware) is now available. You can download it here:

It will also become available through Cydia Installer soon.

Best, Spicy

Check out some of our past articles on Customize.

Thanks to Ed for tipping us off to this!

Tecnicolor WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Tecnicolor tecnicolortheme3 Tecnicolor is a WinterBoard theme available via the the modmyi source. When you install Tecnicolor, you will see three themes added to WinterBoard; Tecnicolor iPod Edition, Tecnicolor Lite and Tecnicolor. The Tecnicolor Lite theme basically only includes a StatusBar, Dock and Icons. The Tecnicolor theme includes a few other mods such as a wallpaper, lock background, badges…etc.

This theme does require the Five Icon Dock mod and some rearranging of icons. You will need to put the following icons on your dock (in this order) in order for the theme to work correctly; Contacts, SMS, Phone, Mail and iPod.
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Alive WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Alive Theme alivetheme2 Alive is a pretty cool theme (it’s all like 3Dish) that is available via the BigBoss source. It comes with a dock, wallpaper and 205 icons.

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the BigBoss source installed in Cydia.
3. Search for Alive in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the Alive theme.
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Topple WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard toppletheme3 Topple is a theme based on the application Topple (you can check out our video review of the app HERE). The theme includes a slider, 2 docks, 3 wallpapers, dialer and icons. There is a catch, not all apps have icons including; the Stocks, App Store and iTunes applications. However, if you are comfortable with SSHing into your iPhone or iPod Touch, there are 23 additional icons that you can easily rename for any application. The files also includes a .psd file so that you can create your own icons. The developer does say that he is going to add additional mods to the theme so, maybe we will see those three icons added as well (for those of you who do not like SSHing). Below are screenshots.
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Squig WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard squigtheme2 Squig is a pretty cool WinterBoard theme available through the source. It does not contain a ton of mods basically you get a dock, status bar, wallpaper and the basic icons. It looks decent with the WeatherIcon and LiveTime mods though, it would be nice to see a Cydia and App Store icon added to the theme. This theme reminds me of summer!! :)
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Chalk Board Theme – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Chalk Board chalkboardtheme3 Chalk Board is a new theme that was released in Cydia tonight. The package includes a lockscreen, sliders, icons, wallpaper, dock and SMS theme. To have the theme looks it’s best, you will want to make sure to have the icon and dock icon labels turned off via WinterBoard (select No Docked Icon Labels and No Undocked Icon Labels in WinterBoard). This theme is currently available via the ModMyi source however, the developer says that it will also be released via the MacCiti source which will be the source it is updated through.
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Colorful Round Signal Bars Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Colorful Round Signal Bars is a mod that changes the signal bars on your Status Bar (those are the bars that display the signal quality you are receiving from your carrier). There are a few of these type of mods in Cydia but, I find this one to be nicely designed. So, if you are looking for a change…you might want to check it out. This mod is activated/deactivated in WinterBoard and is available via the ModMyi source.

White Calculator Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard calculator-white2 Personally, I’m not huge on calculator mods. I actually use my calculator quite frequently so, I’m not sure why I’m not big on modding it. However, every once and a while I find a decent mod. Calculator-White is a mod that gives your calculator a white theme and give the buttons more of a handwritten look. One thing I like is that it also mods the extended calculator (when you turn your iPhone to landscape mode while in the Calculator application). Calculator-White is activated/deactivated via WinterBoard and is available via the source. Screenshots below.
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